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[REBOL] Confused???

From: edanaii:cox at: 14-Jul-2002 12:33

I've created a small program to scan emails from my inbox. It works fine until I try and remove them. Without the REMOVE command, it parses all emails in the inbox. Once I add the REMOVE command, it takes several passes to get everything cleared out. The script looks like this: Inbox: Open Load %Mailbox.r Print [ Length? Inbox "messages on server." ] ForAll Inbox [ Mail: Import-email First Inbox Print [ Index? Inbox Mail/Subject ] Remove Inbox ] close inbox The results look like this:
>> do %Test.r
5 messages on server. 1 And now, a massage from the Swedish Prime Minister! 2 She sells sea shells by the sea shore. 3 And now, for something completely different!
>> do %Test.r
2 messages on server. 1 Ask not what you can do for your country!
>> do %Test.r
1 messages on server. 1 Inna gadda davida, baby!
>> do %Test.r
0 messages on server. Even if I wait five minutes, It still does this, so it's not a latency issue. What gives? Am I missing the obvious? -- Sincerely, | The problems of two little people don't amount to Ed Dana | a hill of beans in this crazy mixed-up world! But Software Developer | this is OUR hill, and these are OUR beans! 1Ghz Athlon Amiga | -- Naked Gun via Casablanca.