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[REBOL] Re: New Version: make-doc-pro 0.96

From: coussement:c:js:mil:be at: 14-Aug-2001 9:48

Robert: I just check your link... the version I could find there is still : Date: 02-August-2001 Version: 0.9.5 I used make-doc for generating all my reports and project doc. I like what you did and I will switch to your version. I specially appreciate the use of a stylesheet: IMHO it makes it easier to customize the output look if those format specs are in _one_ place. BTW, in this version, some _??_ and a _print "sect1"_ were left uncommented ... Can I suggest the following: - creation of a specific class or id for the boilerplate (should make it easier to customize) - isolation of the copyright text into a word set in beginning of the script (same reason) - use of quotes for the isolation of the value of the tag (as recommended by W3C) example: <PRE CLASS="myclass"> or <PRE STYLE="width: 25%"> Keep on the good work ;-) chr==