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[REBOL] Newlines

From: hijim:pronet at: 8-Nov-2001 19:40

Newlines Hello Anton and Joel, Thanks for the help. The code below works perfectly on the pages I've tested, though it takes a second or two on long pages. It strips all the html and newlines and extraneous whitepsace. Joel was right about my original problem. I had a space between two newlines, so now I'm removing those too. I hope this gets through. The last two emails I've sent came back as undeliverable. I'm sending this one via Rebol instead of Netscape. Jim btn silver / 1.4 "Strip html" [ marked-up: copy my-area/text parse my-area/text [any [to "<style" begin: thru "</style>" ending: (remove/part begin ending) :begin] ] parse my-area/text [any [to "<script" begin: thru "</script>" ending: (remove/part begin ending) :begin] ] foreach [search-string replace-string][ "<li>" "* " "</" "<" "<p>" "^/" "<h1>" "^/^/" "<h2>" "^/^/" "<h3>" "^/^/" "<h4>" "^/^/" "^-" " " "<hr>" "^/----------------------------------^/" "&nbsp;" " " "&copy;" "(C) " "&quot;" {"} "&amp;" "&"][ replace/all my-area/text search-string replace-string ] parse my-area/text [any [to "<" begin: thru ">" ending: (remove/part begin ending) :begin] ] foreach [search-string][" " "^-" " ^/" "^/^/^/"] [ while [p: find my-area/text search-string] [remove p] ] replace/all my-area/text ">" ">" replace/all my-area/text "<" "<" trim my-area/text show my-area get-lines ] btn silver / 1.4 "Restore" [ if marked-up = "" [return ] my-area/text: marked-up show my-area get-lines ]