[REBOL] Please Very Urgent: needs help to convert "variable" to a number
From: akram:bmi:my at: 17-Nov-2005 18:55
Dear Rebol Expert,
I'm sorry, I'm a newbie and not proficiently good in programming. Could
someone please help me to fix the problem or show me the way to solve it.
I'm actually try to communicate two master slave Pan tilt machines with
rebol script. The question is how I want to convert the 'angle' variable to
a number, then add 10, and then convert back to a string to send to the
machine. The script as below;
insert d30 "GetPan"
string! angle: first d30
string! ptupan: clear ""
append ptupan "dopan "
append ptupan angle
print ptupan
insert ptu ptupan
Thanks in advance for the help and I do really appreciate it.