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[REBOL] Re: Dialects - Bane or Blessing? (was: Teaching Rebol)

From: greggirwin:mindspring at: 27-Sep-2002 9:46

Hi Brett, <<...I didn't quite understand what you meant by "In a good dialect, there shouldn't be any *extra* vocabulary or syntax. Just the dialect." >> What I meant was that a dialect like VID looks like it just adds extra syntax rules to REBOL because of the way we can mix the two. With "hybrid" or "mixed" dialects (where you can directly embed content for a different dialect, or that are, themselves, modifications of an existing dialect) there may be parts of speech that seem superfluous or don't quite match up with other parts of the language. Dialects that try to be all things to all people will likely turn out this way. Those that define a very specific nomenclature, and any that are well designed, should just kind of "hang together" in a very natural way. --Gregg