From: gchiu::compkarori::co::nz at: 10-Dec-2000 11:15
spoke too soon, here the first and fourth inserts work
insertrecs: func [] [
insert db-port [ {insert into reboltest (fname ) values
("GRAHAM" )} ]
firstname: "Joe" dob: 10-Dec-1950
insert db-port [ {insert into reboltest (fname, birthday)
values (?, ?)} firstname dob ]
firstname: "Josephine " dob: 10-Dec-1940
insert db-port [ {insert into reboltest (fname, birthday)
values (?, ?)} firstname dob ]
insert db-port [ {insert into reboltest (fname, birthday)
values ("Allen", ?)} to-date "31-Dec-1957" ]
but where I pass the fname as a variable, I get scrambed
data back.
Graham Chiu