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ODBC problems

 [1/1] from: gchiu::compkarori::co::nz at: 10-Dec-2000 10:00

Can someone see what I'm doing wrong here - using the Evaluation version of R/Command. Rebol [ file: %testodbc.r notes: { testing with the open source binaries of Interbase 6.1 ( ) and the Intersolv ODBC driver. Employee is a system dsn to employee.gdb - a sample Interbase table that gets installed into the examples\database directory } ] open-employee: func [] [ dbase: open odbc://SYSDBA:[masterkey--employee] db-port: first dbase ] create-table1: "insert db-port [ {create table reboltest ( fname char(20) not null primary key, birthday timestamp default 'NOW' ) } ]" create-table2: "insert db-port [ {create table reboltest ( fname char(20) not null primary key, birthday timestamp )} ] drop-table: insert db-port [ {drop table reboltest} ] " getrecs: func [] [ insert db-port [ "select * from reboltest" ] dbrecs: copy db-port ] removeall: func [] [ insert db-port [ "delete from reboltest" ] ] insertrecs: func [] [ insert db-port [ {insert into reboltest (fname ) values (? )} "Graham" ] insert db-port [ {insert into reboltest (fname, birthday) values (?, ?)} "Joe" "31-Dec-1960" ] insert db-port [ {insert into reboltest (fname, birthday) values (?, ?)} "Jane" "31-Dec-1959" ] ] test: func [] [ open-employee either error? try [ getrecs ] [ do create-table1 ] [ removeall ] insertrecs getrecs ] I get random characters being returned with the fname field, and dates don't insert coming back as none. The birthday comes back in record 1 where I don't insert a date but use the default. -- Graham Chiu