[REBOL] Re: oss revisited (briefly!)
From: robert:muench:robertmuench at: 19-Feb-2004 9:17
On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 13:38:59 -0500, Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
<[maximo--meteorstudios--com]> wrote:
> Wasn't java supposed to take over IT as the provider of top to bottom
> tools which every one would want or could not resist!?!?
Yes, and I hear it again and again once a while.
> IMHO Java is dying... slowly but surely. probably because microsoft
> split the java idea with their own Jscript and encouraged as many
> different java platforms, in order to discredit it in the long-run with
> fragmented developer/code bases.
Good analysis! Most people don't see this. But I think C# is a much better
tool for this. Yep, fragmenting the market is a very efficient strategy if
you are the monopolist.
You know, that I see fragmentation of our all efforts WRT Rebol as the
main problem, we don't made it to a level like Perl or Phyton (yet). The
new 1.3 development process is very promising and if we can keep it going
like this, things will change. Fast!
> seems nowadays, everyone is rushing to support python... oh, I guess it
> has nothing to do with the fact that it is 100% open source.
> (sorry, I coudn't resist ;-)
> I hope MS does not do this with python, but I'm sure they are
> considering something. Is C# their answer to python and rebol ??
That's the answer to Java. MS is playing on an other level, neither Phyton
nor Rebol is any threat to them. Maybe Phyton can become on the mobil
market. But I'm sure MS is tracking this very close, and in these areas
they don't make many errors. Robert