[REBOL] Re: oss revisited (briefly!)
From: chris:langreiter at: 10-Feb-2004 3:37
> If anything is going to nudge him further down a collaborative
> approach, perhaps leading to a more open source model, that
> experience may form an important part of it.
I think the 1.3 project shows that Carl and RT as-is can use those
additional resources very well ...
What the benefits of keeping the source closed (for RT) are becomes
less clear to me by the day. Albeit open-sourcing is of course by no
means a guarantee for success, in the case of REBOL with its rather
active (if small) community and fair share of excellent developers
intimately familiar with the language (and by extensive experimen-
tation, some aspects of the implementation) it might actually be the
last chance to achieve critical mass (which, as I'm afraid, it doesn't
have right now).
Frankly, I'd rather buy a QA'd, tested, polished REBOL "distribution"
that packages core and (contributed) modules than anything that's
currently on offer, or a quarterly subscription to such a distribution
or whatever.
-- Chris