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[REBOL] Re: ssl and image generation /command features?

From: holger:rebol at: 26-Apr-2001 10:31

On Thu, Apr 26, 2001 at 07:01:50PM +0200, Petr Krenzelok wrote:
> "On the server, REBOL/Core/Pro adds encryption, external library access, and > shell application access to REBOL/Core. REBOL/Command extends even further > to include direct database connectivity, SSL (secure sockets, HTTPS), Fast > CGI, and image generation functions." > > ... above info is taken from website. Could anyone from RT > clarify, please?
Sure. Still subject to change though. We will make more detailed announcements shortly.
> 1) SSL? Wasn't it said it would add some 1MB of code to Rebol size?
Yes, usually it would...
> Are we talking just any kind of library layer, or full implementation?
A full implementation, at least client-side, without accessing any external libraries, i.e. self-contained within Command, built on top of our tcp:// scheme and encryption engine, which has been further enhanced for Command. This includes SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1, DES, 3DES and ARCFOUR in export strength (and in the non-export version of Command, 128-bit encryption), schemes for ssl:// and tls:// (compatible with 'wait and open/no-wait), and an https:// scheme, interoperable with http:// (for redirects between both schemes etc.), and support for tunneling through socks and generic proxies. Should be compatible with pretty much any network setup and secure web server out there. We managed to squeeze all of this into less than 200 kB of additional code (x86 version) :-). Features we MAY include (not sure yet -- space/feature trade-off) are extended error messages, support for ssl/tls server side, and certificate access/management.
> 2) what does it mean "image generation functions" and what is its purpose on > server side?
Large parts of the View engine (image! datatype, image refinements for load and save, ability to save/png images into a binary!, effects and draw pipeline etc.), useful for dynamic creation of images for web pages in CGI/FastCGI environments. Probably no VID or text support though. Text support would require X libraries and X server access, which are often unavailable on web servers. No desktop obviously. -- Holger Kruse [holger--rebol--com]