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[REBOL] Re: Fun with blocks of words (a tad longish)

From: lmecir:mbox:vol:cz at: 13-Oct-2001 9:47

Hi Gabriele, you have got the right to see it like that. The biggest problem with it is, that it isn't useful for decribing BLOCK1 and BLOCK2 below: element: copy [] block1: reduce [element element] block2: reduce [element copy element] I would prefer to say, that: "BLOCK1 contains two identical elements". Another possibility is to say, that: "The values at the first and the second place of BLOCK1 are identical". As opposed to that: "BLOCK2 contains two discernible elements", or : "The values at the first and the second place of BLOCK2 are discernible". That doesn't mean, that I am saying, that the first and the second place of BLOCK1 or BLOCK2 are identical. They aren't (see ). This terminology looks more useful to me. Ciao Ladislav