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[REBOL] Re: Rebol channel on IRC

From: mat::plothatching::com at: 11-Jul-2002 9:53

Hi Boleslav, Boleslav> BTW, is there some REBOL IRC client? Boleslav> Or at least protocol? Protocol might have been nice but it's simple enough with Rebol's TCP handling. I've written an IRC bot in Rebol. Actually, probably the most feature-rich IRC bot the world has ever seen given I've been adding stuff to it for absolutely ages and it's so easy in Rebol. :) And I actually do it, believe it or not, by opening a TCP/IP socket and reading in line mode. No fancy buffering, nothing and it works perfectly. However someone else wrote a bot which was in 'better' Rebol than mine (I'm still a crap programmer), particular in the way it handled the low level stuff. It also did all the sort of channel police type things where as mine is purely an Infobot. It's also a million times more suitable for looking at the code than mine is :) I can't recall who did it, perhaps they'll pipe up now. Regards, Mat.