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[REBOL] Re: Drawing on images

From: cyphre:seznam:cz at: 11-Jul-2002 14:37

Hi Ashley, unfortunately, the refreshing speed of bigger faces is not the best in /View. We would need either rendering C code optimization or possibility of using hw acceleration(DirectX, OpenGL) on selected platforms. But, I tried to write simple workaround in a few minutes of my free time. Try the code bellow. Drawing should be very fast but it has some problems ;-) I'm not sure if this method could be usefull but maybe it is a good starting point for you to improve it. Regards, Cyphre <CODE> (watch out line-breaks!) scr-size: 1024x768 cell: 100 matrix: copy [] for x 0 scr-size/x cell [ for y 0 scr-size/y cell [ insert tail matrix make face [ line?: false oft: 0x0 offset: to-pair reduce [x y] size: to-pair cell image: make image! size edge: none color: black effect: copy/deep [draw [pen red line]] feel: make feel [ over: func [f a o][ if a [ insert back tail f/effect/2 [pen red line] ] ] detect: func [f e][ f/oft: e/offset - f/offset - f/parent-face/offset if f/parent-face/line? [ insert tail f/effect/2 compose [(f/oft)] show f ] e ] ] ] ] ] view layout [ origin 0 bx: box scr-size with [ line?: false feel: make feel [ detect: func [f e][ switch e/type [ down [f/line?: true] up [f/line?: false] ] e ] redraw: over: engage: none ] pane: matrix ] ] </CODE>