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[REBOL] Re: Large REBOL applications?

From: dhsunanda:gm:ail at: 3-Dec-2008 15:36

Hi Robert,
> Hi, cool stuff. Some comments:
> 1. The script itself should be skipped. Than it can be just run from an > actual directory.
Good point. There is now an... exclude-files: [] ...block so you can explicitly say which of your scripts are not to be included. application-size.r is in that exclude list by default. You can also add RebGui.r or other script names to that block.
> 2. Please put the %./ as the default folder in the script, so that it can > run out-of-the-box
> 3. Add the app-sizer/run and probe command at the end.
Hmm, I decided not to -- so just loading the script does not start a potentially long trawl through perhaps the wrong folder -- that could look invasive.
> 4. I'm using prebol a lot in my big app. So the files should be prereboled > as well. Otherwise results are wrong.
I would do if I knew how. Please email or Altme me with some hints. Version 0.0.1 ----------------- Is now in the Library with Robert's suggested improvements. Also, it counts "functions" better. Previously, the count was of any-function? that is a very broad data type. We now count: * operator * native * action * function (ie any-function? other than operator!, native!, or action!) Also it counts: * object * image Plus a modified count of blank lines. New script here: <> Updated documentation here: <> Sunanda