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[REBOL] Re: ANN: rugby 4.3

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 21-Nov-2001 19:21

Paul Tretter wrote:
>IRC does do polling in the form of Ping and Pongs. If it detects that a >client is idle it will send a Ping response in which the client must respond >with a Pong or risk being disconnected. >
Yes, but then server polls client, not in reverse. It does so probably in some periods. However - there is no need for client-to-server communication, if we don't actually send message, while Gorim, Express (IOS) polling means constant flooding of server in set period of time, e.g. each 3 sec. That sounds terrible, but there is not probably any way around ...
> It works very well actually. As >for getting thru a firewall with IRC than most likely your firewall is >allowing IRC ports to pass thru. >
Yes, it is so. But well, if company really works to allow ICQ or IRC or some other service, because it finds it usefull, why not to do so? There should be both ways possible, while I think that Rugby does not allow something like that by its architecture ... I can be wrong, as I haven't studied Rugby completly. Deferred ports, however, seem to store pairs of index, port-objects, to check back later for the result, but on the server side web-handler calls stop o/port, and client port is killed. btw: does anyone here know, how does Jabber work in the principle? Is it request broker like Rugby is, or? .... -pekr-