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[REBOL] Re: SDK licensing issues

From: greggirwin:mindspring at: 3-Feb-2006 9:13

GS>> Why would a *normal* synapse chat user need a REBOL interpreter? VN> Or later to do a quick complex search without need for a fully fledged VN> dialect first (you know, every sufficiently complex program implements VN> a lisp-interpreter, sadly even rebol-coders have to do that ;) This is one of those wonderful, tricky areas that we don't know much about yet (IMO); how do we write applications that can safely use REBOL as their macro language. We can be safe by writing a dialect, but that's a lot of work if we want a powerful macro language, and you may still open up security holes (probably will as a matter of fact). You can't be safe running raw REBOL; even a macro the user writes is unsafe because it can unintentionally cause harm. Of course, if the macro code has access to application code, all bets are off about whether the app will even run. The allure of configurable apps, with REBOL as a macro language, is powerful; but danger doesn't lurk there, it's in plain sight. -- Gregg