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[REBOL] Re: Building a GUI Forms Designer

From: rotenca:telvia:it at: 28-Oct-2001 20:42

Text-lists are a little hard to control. When you click on a field, it is used this function in the text-list (t): t/iter/feel/engage: func[f a e][ if a = 'down [ if cnt > length? head lines [exit] if not e/control [f/state: cnt clear picked] alter picked f/text do :act slf f/text ] if a = 'up [f/state: none] show pane ] where f should be the face of the single iterated row slf is the text-list face and act is a copy of the action created by VID. slf and act are fields of the text-list face. The textlist face has a panel in its pane and in the panel there is the slider and a box (t/sub-area) whose pane is a function (t/text-pane) which dinamically creates the face of the rows (t/iter) I think you should try: t: make-face 'text-list t/act: func[face value][print "called"] --- Ciao Romano