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[REBOL] if any [not suffixes find suffixes find/last file "." ] [ Re:

From: johnkenyon::uk::ibm::com at: 7-Sep-2000 8:57

Hi again, Look at
>> help any
Maybe more readable with extra brackets to emphasize the execution order - if any [not suffixes find suffixes find/last file "."] [ .... is the same as .... if (not suffixes) or (find suffixes (find/last file "."))] [ Any better? cheers, john I am trying to understand the following script and dont quite understand the mechanics of this line right here: if any [not suffixes find suffixes find/last file "."] [ I understand not suffixes completely I dont understand find suffixes find/last file "." at all suffixes is a block of suffixes, but I dont understand how all this works together, particularly. the "." part.