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Messages for Jun-2001

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 Tue, 19 kenneth:nwinetRe: 0x1B0 Have you ever taken the Purity test?
 gjones05:mail:orionRe: Question and comment about randomizing a block of values
 gjones05:mail:orionRe: Question and comment about randomizing a block of values
 gjones05:mail:orionRe: Question and comment about randomizing a block of values
 gjones05:mail:orionRe: Question and comment about randomizing a block of values
 dness:homeRe: REBOL time is cool
 jeff:rebolRe: On mutability and sameness
 petr:krenzelok:trz:czRe: Question and comment about randomizing a block of values
 dness:homeRe: Daylight Savings function
 joel:neely:fedexRe: Question and comment about randomizing a block of values
 joel:neely:fedexRe: On mutability and sameness
 jeff:rebolRe: Question and comment about randomizing a block of values
 robbo1mark:aolFwd: Re: Re: On mutability and sameness
 agem:crosswindsRe: Question and comment about randomizing a block of values
 gjones05:mail:orionRe: Question and comment about randomizing a block of values
 jean:holzammer:faedv-n:bayern[ALLY] Ready-to-use graphiacal web counter ?
 robbo1mark:aolFwd: Re: Re: On mutability and sameness
 robbo1mark:aolRe: On mutability and sameness
 joel:neely:fedexRe: Question and comment about randomizing a block of values
 joel:neely:fedexRe: 0x1B0 Have you ever taken the Purity test?
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