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problems creating a path

 [1/11] from: antonr:iinet:au at: 2-Jun-2003 0:20

I am trying to call a function with certain refinements present or not present, depending on user switches. This is one example that gives me what I want: files?: true join 'my-func/test either files? ['files][[]] ;== my-func/test/files files?: false join 'my-func/test either files? ['files][[]] ;== my-func/test That joins onto the lit-path! 'my-func/test successfully or leaves it alone. But this example is difficult to make work, because all the refinements of the path are optional, so the path starts as only a single word!: files?: true folders?: false to-path reduce ['my-func either files? ['files][[]] either folders? ['folders][[]]] ;== my-func/files/[] How to get rid of the brackets? I tried also: to-path reduce [to-lit-path 'my-func either files? ['files][[]] either folders? ['folders][[]]] ;** Script Error: Invalid argument: 'my-func ;** Where: to-path ;** Near: to path! :value join to-lit-path 'my-func [either files? ['files][[]] either folders? ['folders][[]]] ;== my-func/files/[] So using a block for the second argument is not going to work. (Anybody know a way?) Finally I went back to how it was working to start with: join join to-path 'my-func either files? ['files][[]] either folders? ['folders][[]] ;== my-func/files It seems less nice, but it works. Anton Dale Rolls.

 [2/11] from: lmecir:mbox:vol:cz at: 1-Jun-2003 17:20

Hi Anton, ----- Original Message ----- From: "Anton" <[antonr--iinet--net--au]> To: "rebol-list" <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> Sent: Sunday, June 01, 2003 4:20 PM Subject: [REBOL] problems creating a path
> I am trying to call a function with certain > refinements present or not present, depending on
<<quoted lines omitted: 38>>
> [rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the > subject, without the quotes.
see or have a look at -L

 [3/11] from: rotenca:telvia:it at: 1-Jun-2003 18:23

Hi Anton,
> How to get rid of the brackets?
compose could help to-path compose [ my-func (pick [files []] files?) (pick [folders []] folders?) ] --- Ciao Romano

 [4/11] from: antonr:iinet:au at: 2-Jun-2003 12:01

Thanks, Romano. That's just what I was looking for. Anton.

 [5/11] from: antonr:iinet:au at: 2-Jun-2003 16:43

Thanks Ladislav, these functions are a bit more complicated than what I want, but they might be useful for something else, so I'll keep it in mind. Anton.

 [6/11] from: antonr:iinet:au at: 4-Jun-2003 13:36

Actually, I couldn't quite use 'pick, unless I converted the values to logic!s, which went above a threshold of ease-of-use for me.
> > How to get rid of the brackets? > compose could help
<<quoted lines omitted: 6>>
> Ciao > Romano
I simplified my example a little too much. The code needed to also accept none as a value in files? & folders?, not just true & false, because the values were coming from check boxes and radios in a window. Anyway, the best I can do is this: blk: do reduce [to-path compose [ traverse (either folders-chk/data ['show-folders][]) (either files-chk/data ['show-files][]) (either images-chk/data ['show-images][]) (either abs-rl/data ['absolute-paths][]) (either details-chk/data ['details][]) ] folder] I passed through some other alternatives, but this way seems the best. I was looking for a way that does not use any extra words, has a small code size, and is easy to add new refinements. By chance is there anyone who can do better? I challenge you! I busted my head on this for some hours. Anton.

 [7/11] from: brett:codeconscious at: 4-Jun-2003 16:31

Well my only suggestion was along the lines of treating your refinements as data and introducing a loop and then I got carried away... ; --- 8< --------------------------------------- ; ; Our list of refinements. ; Might be good to add labels :) ; refinements: [ show-folders show-files show-images absolute-paths details ] ; ; Our simulated function. ; funcspec: copy refinements forall funcspec [change funcspec to refinement! funcspec/1] traverse: func head funcspec compose/deep [ reduce [(:refinements)] ] ; ; A generated layout of checkboxes. ; Each with a special refinement facet. ; layout-spec: copy [ style rcheck check [redisplay] across label "path: " txtPath: text 400 return label "result: " txtResult: text 400 return ] foreach refinement refinements [ append layout-spec compose/deep [ label 100 (join to-string refinement ":") rcheck with [ refinement: (to lit-word! :refinement) ] return ] ] ; ; Computes the path based on the checkboxes found in pane. ; I suggest that this bit is fairly compact while retaining ; the flexibility of adding refinements later. And it does not ; add any new words except the facet refinement which ; I would say is data storage :) function-path?: func [ pane [block!] /local p fld ] [ p: to path! 'traverse foreach face pane [ if all [ in face 'refinement face/data ] [append p face/refinement] ] :p ] ; ; A function to update the display. ; Assuming our layout is the first in the pane. ; redisplay: has [path] [ path: function-path? layout-face/pane txtPath/text: mold path txtResult/text: mold do reduce [function-path? layout-face/pane] show layout-face ] ; ; View the layout. ; view layout-face: layout layout-spec ; ---8<--------------------------------------- Regards, Brett.

 [8/11] from: antonr:iinet:au at: 5-Jun-2003 9:05

Carried away indeed! Do I detect humour? Anton.

 [9/11] from: rotenca::telvia::it at: 5-Jun-2003 13:09

Hi anton
> I passed through some other alternatives, but this way > seems the best. I was looking for a way that does not > use any extra words, has a small code size, and is easy > to add new refinements. > By chance is there anyone who can do better? I challenge you! > I busted my head on this for some hours.
The problems grows if refinements have arguments and in these cases a function should be the best thing. What I want to underline: 1) I should like to have some native facilities to pass refinements to sub-functions. 2) I like to use true/none every where i can use true/false (pick instead of either in your example). The actual implementation seems to me an inconstistence. --- Ciao Romano

 [10/11] from: antonr:iinet:au at: 6-Jun-2003 13:08

Romano, I strongly agree. My recent and past difficulties forming paths lead me to conclude that: "there must be a better way". If pick accepted none for its index argument that would really help, in this situation, although I don't think it is all that inconsistent right now. Well, I got to thinking, a small function to convert none values to unset! and pass through others could help. f: func [val][either val [val][]] to-path compose [hello (f all [none 'there])] ;== hello ; (replace the none with true/false etc.) ('f is not a very good name for it, but I'd want it to be short). Anton.

 [11/11] from: antonr:iinet:au at: 6-Jun-2003 17:00

After some more thought I think I'd like to use this more: flag-val: func [flag val][either flag [val][]] to-path compose [hello (flag-val none 'there) (flag-val true 'someone)] ;== hello/someone Anton.

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