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[REBOL] Re: problems creating a path

From: brett:codeconscious at: 4-Jun-2003 16:31

Well my only suggestion was along the lines of treating your refinements as data and introducing a loop and then I got carried away... ; --- 8< --------------------------------------- ; ; Our list of refinements. ; Might be good to add labels :) ; refinements: [ show-folders show-files show-images absolute-paths details ] ; ; Our simulated function. ; funcspec: copy refinements forall funcspec [change funcspec to refinement! funcspec/1] traverse: func head funcspec compose/deep [ reduce [(:refinements)] ] ; ; A generated layout of checkboxes. ; Each with a special refinement facet. ; layout-spec: copy [ style rcheck check [redisplay] across label "path: " txtPath: text 400 return label "result: " txtResult: text 400 return ] foreach refinement refinements [ append layout-spec compose/deep [ label 100 (join to-string refinement ":") rcheck with [ refinement: (to lit-word! :refinement) ] return ] ] ; ; Computes the path based on the checkboxes found in pane. ; I suggest that this bit is fairly compact while retaining ; the flexibility of adding refinements later. And it does not ; add any new words except the facet refinement which ; I would say is data storage :) function-path?: func [ pane [block!] /local p fld ] [ p: to path! 'traverse foreach face pane [ if all [ in face 'refinement face/data ] [append p face/refinement] ] :p ] ; ; A function to update the display. ; Assuming our layout is the first in the pane. ; redisplay: has [path] [ path: function-path? layout-face/pane txtPath/text: mold path txtResult/text: mold do reduce [function-path? layout-face/pane] show layout-face ] ; ; View the layout. ; view layout-face: layout layout-spec ; ---8<--------------------------------------- Regards, Brett.