plugins rebol question again
[1/3] from: patrick:scotto:wanadoo at: 9-Nov-2002 12:02
I try to install rebol plug ins in my netscape 7 but without success
(install jar in chrome folder and add a new mime as text/x-rebol-plugin )
Is there somebody do that WITH success ?
And now strategic question :
I don't know position of rebol about no plug ins rebol in a browser
like mozilla or netscape 7 (gecko engine).
For a total deploiement in a compagny , it's easy WITH a plug ins ,
and easy to use for the end user.
For reboltech to deploy their technology . Look at SUN with his Java
Web Start
a REBOL plug ins is necessary thing .
I hope reboltech change his opinion .
Patrick ... a french reboler
[2/3] from: rebol-list2:seznam:cz at: 13-Nov-2002 10:40
Hello patrick.scotto,
Saturday, November 9, 2002, 12:02:17 PM, you wrote:
ps> And now strategic question :
ps> I don't know position of rebol about no plug ins rebol in a browser
ps> like mozilla or netscape 7 (gecko engine).
ps> For a total deploiement in a compagny , it's easy WITH a plug ins ,
ps> and easy to use for the end user.
ps> For reboltech to deploy their technology . Look at SUN with his Java
ps> Web Start
I think that Carl has his own vision that it's better to run Rebol
outside from browsers... and the true is, that it's better if you
don't need a lot of random visitors. The biggest problem with the
Rebol plugin is a security. I can imagine a lot of unfriendly pages
with embedded Rebol waiting to make something bad!
PS: I would like to have Rebol plugin as well, but you know it - there
are priorities (and I would like to have rich text in Rebol sooner then
Rebol in the browser).
PPS: I still remember some computers, I was working on, where I had
no rights to install anything (no Flash and other plugins!) For such a
cases is Rebol the best, because you don't neet to install it,
just unpack and run.
hmm, Java Web Start, since I installed Netscape7 which contains Java
with JavaWebStart, I have problems to run some of older Java apps I was
using:-( And as I'm using WindowBlinds to skin my windows, JWS seems to
have big problems with them. Thanks to Carl that Rebol is able to handle
correct window sizes not like JWS does.
[3/3] from: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 13-Nov-2002 23:53
RebOldes wrote:
>Hello patrick.scotto,
>Saturday, November 9, 2002, 12:02:17 PM, you wrote:
<<quoted lines omitted: 9>>
>don't need a lot of random visitors. The biggest problem with the
>Rebol plugin is a security.
How can it be a problem? The script lives in a sandbox - if user agrees
to let script touch outside the sandbox, then well ...
> I can imagine a lot of unfriendly pages
>with embedded Rebol waiting to make something bad!
>PS: I would like to have Rebol plugin as well, but you know it - there
>are priorities (and I would like to have rich text in Rebol sooner then
>Rebol in the browser).
I still think it could help sprea rebol. I also think, that while
rebol-in-a-browser would be cool, it is not necessity. It would be good
to have rebol running in external window from the start. But how to make
rebol behave like other plugi-ins? Let's suppose your page refers to
rebol plug-in. You then download View, but will browser be able to start
its install process? I have some idea of rebol plug-in in a form of some
kind of Encapped app (player), which would be able to "play" packages
(reblets in .r, or .rip format, or stuff packed by preprocessor). There
would have to be the way to check for new rebol updates and allow to
download them. But I am not sure if it is possible or not. Is there any
js code which can let us download and run/install rebol?
>PPS: I still remember some computers, I was working on, where I had
>no rights to install anything (no Flash and other plugins!) For such a
>cases is Rebol the best, because you don't neet to install it,
>just unpack and run.
I think it is not true. It is already quite some time Rebol/View uses
registry, while I think that it is not really needed. What is more -
there seem to be some bug too - if your start rebol from non rebol.exe
directory, even using -i switch, it will start with install process
(reported to feedback some year or more ago). Because of registry, I
can't easily use/carry IOS on my USB pocket drive, as it will sync to hd
installation IOS dir, not the one I start IOS from.
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