ANN: REBOLml 0.2.3
[1/1] from: gchiu::compkarori::co::nz at: 1-Feb-2004 9:23
What's new since 0.1.4?
1. All tabs are now operable.
2. You can either post to the list preserving threads, or make a new thread
3. BCC all addresses on the to: line
4. List view of author,subject and date .. which is clickable. Created as a result of
a search, but only shows the maximum as specified in the preferences
5. Bookmarks - use alt mouse button to edit the descriptions ( using Romano's ana-list
style ), and the "B" button to add a bookmark
6. Configuration screens are now completed,
7. Can extract links from a page and either view or call rebol interpreter to execute
8. Can execute scripts inside a message if rebol header found. To prevent interpreter
errors, place a block around the script to make it into the embedded script format.
9. Update button offers to download new versions if present.
Graham Chiu<