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[REBOL] Check email syntax

From: r3b0l:free at: 31-Jan-2004 16:47

Hi all, In order to improve an email syntax checking function, i am searching a command to do the same thing as checkdnsrr("", "MX") in PHP who perform a search in DNS record (return true if found a record). I presume i could replace a regular expression like "^[_\.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,4}$" with his equivalent in a big parse or something like that ;-) Any suggestions welcome (i'd like to replace some old PHP scripts by a small Rebol script ;-) AMIGAlly, Arnaud aka bigdan East of France, Europe -- Arnaud Danassie <rebol "at" migazone "dot" com> Amiga and Pegasos user ( fo details)