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Apache Config for CGI with REBOL

 [1/4] from: raimund:swol at: 26-Feb-2001 20:15

Hi, I am trying to set up apache on my computer (SuSE 7.1) at home to play with CGI and REBOL. But it still does not work. I did the following: - /etc/mime.types added the following line application/x-http-rebol r - /etc/httpd/httpd.conf added the following line Addtype application/x-http-rebol .r Additionally I created the following simple web page ---------------------------------------------------------- <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>REBOL CGI Test</title> </head> <body> <h1>REBOL CGI Test</h1> <a href="cgi-bin/simple-cgi.r"> Mein erster REBOL-CGI Versuch </a> <hr> <address><a href="mailto:[raimund--linux--local]">Raimund Dold</a></address> <!-- Created: Sat Feb 24 22:13:26 MET 2001 --> <!-- hhmts start --> Last modified: Sat Feb 24 22:46:14 MET 2001 <!-- hhmts end --> </body> </html> ------------------------------------------------------------- The script simple-cgi.r looks like the following. -------------------------------- #!/bin/rebol --cgi REBOL [ ] print "Content-Type: text/plain^/" print "Hello" -------------------------------- But the browser I tried do not process the page like I expected. Netscape just shows the script as plain text and konqueror calls rebol and processes the script as separate process (probably due to the fact that .r files are mime types in KDE, too) Did I miss anything? Thanx Raimund

 [2/4] from: chris:starforge at: 27-Feb-2001 17:43

On Monday 26 February 2001 19:15, you wrote:
> The script simple-cgi.r looks like the following. > Did I miss anything?
Try changing that to simple-cgi.cgi Chris -- New sig in the works Explorer2260 Designer and Coder -- Life is just a bowl of cherries, but why do I always get the pits?

 [3/4] from: gjones05:mail:orion at: 27-Feb-2001 11:48

Hi, Raimund, I run Apache 1.3.14 and PHP 4.0.4 on Win 98. The configuration for more recent Apache versions is likely similar, but I can make no guarantees. From: Raimund Dold
<snip> > I am trying to set up apache on my computer (SuSE 7.1) at home to play
> CGI and REBOL. But it still does not work. I did the following: > > - /etc/mime.types > > added the following line > > application/x-http-rebol r
This last step may not be necessary. But I am not "sure" for Linux/SuSE
> - /etc/httpd/httpd.conf > > added the following line > > Addtype application/x-http-rebol .r
This last step also may not be strictly necessary. What I did in httpd.conf was to: 1) Be sure DoucmentRoot has the path to your website docs. (Likely already does or you would be getting errors.) example: DocumentRoot "/path/to/website" 2) Be sure that "<Directory ..." points to same path as DocumentRoot example: <Directory "/path/to/website"> 3) Be sure that ScriptAlias points to the full path to the cgi-bin directory (especially if off the website path, which it ideally should be!) Pay close attention to the having all the slashes.: example: ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/home/Apache/cgi-bin/" 4) Be sure that the Directory path modifications for the cgi-bin are set to allow executable cgi scripts: example: <Directory "/path/to/website/cgi-bin"> AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> 5) Save the httpd.conf file then start or restart Apache in order for the changes to take affect. 6) If you want to use rebol scripts outside of the cgi-bin directory like one would for PHP, then additional settings are needed (not covered here).
> Additionally I created the following simple web page > ----------------------------------------------------------
<<quoted lines omitted: 8>>
> <hr> > <address><a href="mailto:[raimund--linux--local]">Raimund
> <!-- Created: Sat Feb 24 22:13:26 MET 2001 --> > <!-- hhmts start -->
<<quoted lines omitted: 3>>
> </html> > -------------------------------------------------------------
Depending on where the script is called from, you may want to change: <a href="cgi-bin/simple-cgi.r"> ... to <a href="/cgi-bin/simple-cgi.r"> ... so that the path is not ambiguous.
> The script simple-cgi.r looks like the following. > --------------------------------
<<quoted lines omitted: 3>>
> print "Hello" > --------------------------------
This should be correct as long as REBOL is in /bin :-) Also, if you need to write a file at some point, etc (like for counter files), you'll need to also change the security level. Example: #!/bin/rebol --cgi --secure or just: #!/bin/rebol -cs
> But the browser I tried do not process the page like I expected.
> just shows the script as plain text and konqueror calls rebol and
> the script as separate process (probably due to the fact that .r files
> mime types in KDE, too) > > Did I miss anything?
I think the only critical things to take note of are to be sure that Apache knows where your cgi-bin directory is, and that that directory can execute cgi scripts with the ExecCGI option. It is not enough to have the cgi-bin directory "in a sub path" of the website; in fact, for security reasons, it should ideally be set as an aliased directory (kind of like a symlink for Apache)
> Thanx > > Raimund
Hope this helps. --Scott Jones

 [4/4] from: ryanc::iesco-dms::com at: 27-Feb-2001 10:18

As far as I know, all that mime stuff does is tell the browser how it should view your document. It has been a long while since I have set up CGI on Apache, but I still might be able to help. First in srm.conf, check for either or both of these lines... ScriptAlias /cgi-bin /home/httpd/cgi-bin/ AddHandler cgi-script .cgi AddHandler is for executing any file with a certain extension. ScriptAlias is for having a directory that everything in it is assumed executable. Most people use one or the other. Then in your main access.conf make sure there is cgi access in the directories that you will be using cgi. This can be done with "options ExecCGI", like so... <directory /home/httpd/cgi-bin> AllowOveride none options ExecCGI </directory> Then make sure that you cgi files have executable permissions using chmod. And last but not least, make sure that the first line of your cgi file points to rebol. That should be it, --Ryan Raimund Dold wrote:
> Hi, > I am trying to set up apache on my computer (SuSE 7.1) at home to play with
<<quoted lines omitted: 42>>
> [rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the > subject, without the quotes.
-- Ryan Cole Programmer Analyst 707-468-5400 I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. -Einstein

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