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MAKE-DIR Problem

 [1/4] from: gabillon::univ-pau::fr at: 21-Nov-2002 20:40

Hi all ! I am going mad with the make-dir function. With files it works fine but with ftp url it does not. If I issue the following command, make-dir ftp://mylogin:[mypasswd--ftpperso--free--fr]/existingdir/newdir/ then make-dir creates "newdir" as a sub-directory of "existsingdir". That's fine, BUT IF I PRECEDE the above command with the following command exists? ftp://mylogin:[mypasswd--ftpperso--free--fr]/existingdir/newdir/ == false then the make-dir function creates "newdir" at the ftp root level !!!!!! HELP !!!! Many many thanks in advance AG PS. I use the latest official rebol version I even tried with som beta versions but it still does not work....

 [2/4] from: anton:lexicon at: 22-Nov-2002 21:35

Probably time to make a bug report to [feedback--rebol--com] Reichart of has been doing a lot with FTP, and mentioned here recently FTPGadget, (which I use). They are probably aware of this problem and may have a workaround.
> I am going mad with the make-dir function. > With files it works fine but with ftp url it does not.
<<quoted lines omitted: 13>>
> tried with som > beta versions but it still does not work....
The latest Core beta is, in case you haven't tried it. Anton.

 [3/4] from: reichart:prolific at: 22-Nov-2002 3:39

1. Q: Probably time to make a bug report to [feedback--rebol--com] Reichart of has been doing a lot with FTP, and mentioned here recently FTPGadget, (which I use). They are probably aware of this problem and may have a workaround. A: Yup. Saw this. Cal will be back Tuesday, he is on vacation after a long needed break writing all this Rebol code! :) I left him a message on AltMe to follow up on this. Be useful. Reichart... [Reichart--Prolific--com] "The crazy place I work." "A cool thing we make." "Something brewing in the kitchen."" "The Alternative Messaging Environment."

 [4/4] from: cal:prolific at: 26-Nov-2002 14:14

This appears to be a bug related to rebol FTP scheme's caching of connections. if you include the line: system/schemes/ftp/cache-size: 0 it will behave as expected (just a bit slower since it has to log in again for each command). To figure out what's going wrong with things like this, I usually do a trace/net on to see what rebol is doing when the failure happens, then look at the protocol source (by doing "print mold system/schemes/ftp/handler") to see if there is an easy fix. In this case I didn't see a simple way to fix the real problem, just this workaround.

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