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From: gabillon::univ-pau::fr at: 21-Nov-2002 20:40

Hi all ! I am going mad with the make-dir function. With files it works fine but with ftp url it does not. If I issue the following command, make-dir ftp://mylogin:[mypasswd--ftpperso--free--fr]/existingdir/newdir/ then make-dir creates "newdir" as a sub-directory of "existsingdir". That's fine, BUT IF I PRECEDE the above command with the following command exists? ftp://mylogin:[mypasswd--ftpperso--free--fr]/existingdir/newdir/ == false then the make-dir function creates "newdir" at the ftp root level !!!!!! HELP !!!! Many many thanks in advance AG PS. I use the latest official rebol version I even tried with som beta versions but it still does not work....