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pop-up windows

 [1/7] from: rishioswal:ya:hoo at: 5-May-2001 12:47

Hi. I was wondering if there is a way to create a pop-up window in rebol/view. I wanted to create a pop-up "Confirm" dialog window with an "Ok" and Cancel button but haven't figured out a general way to create a multi-window app. I have noticed the 'alert function but it is not sufficient for my needs... is there anything else? If not, why is it that you can't do multiple windows in rebol anyway? rishi

 [2/7] from: indy:olis:north at: 5-May-2001 22:09

Am Sam, 05 Mai 2001 schrieb Rishi Oswal: Hallo Rishi,
> Hi. I was wondering if there is a way to create a > pop-up window in rebol/view. I wanted to create a
In the script.library is this dialog.r example -------- schnipp -------- dialog: layout [ backdrop effect [gradient 1x1 0.0.0 0.0.180] subtitle "Important Notice:" red text yellow 200x100 { REBOL/View is not a toy. Use only under the supervision of a highly trained evangelist. } button "I Promise" [hide-popup] ] view layout [ backdrop effect [gradient 0.100.0 0.0.0] title "Example" button "Click for Dialog" [inform dialog] button "Quit" [quit] ] --- schnipp ---
> needs... is there anything else? If not, why is it > that you can't do multiple windows in rebol anyway?
Another way is (I hope this is correct) face: layout[] view/new face to open a window and unview/only face to close a window. tschuess [|8:)

 [3/7] from: gjones05:mail:orion at: 5-May-2001 15:18

From: "Rishi Oswal"
> Hi. I was wondering if there is a way to create a > pop-up window in rebol/view. I wanted to create a
<<quoted lines omitted: 5>>
> that you can't do multiple windows in rebol anyway? > rishi
Hi, Rishi, Check out 'request. Rich source of popup dialogs. Here is one example: view layout [ button "click" [ t1/text: request/confirm "Hi" show t1 ] label "Return Value:" t1: text 50x20 ] Hope this helps. --Scott Jones

 [4/7] from: gchiu:compkarori at: 6-May-2001 8:18

On Sat, 5 May 2001 12:47:18 -0700 (PDT) Rishi Oswal <[rishioswal--yahoo--com]> wrote:
> Hi. I was wondering if there is a way to create a > pop-up window in rebol/view. I wanted to create a > pop-up "Confirm" dialog window with an "Ok" and > "Cancel" button but haven't figured out a general way
Try request "Format c:?" [ "yes" "no" ] -- Graham Chiu

 [5/7] from: rishioswal:yaho:o at: 5-May-2001 14:17

thanks. 'request is just what i needed! rishi --- Rishi Oswal <[rishioswal--yahoo--com]> wrote:

 [6/7] from: rishioswal:ya:hoo at: 5-May-2001 14:23

so that's how you do it. thanks. good to know.. rishi --- Sven Drieling <[indy--olis--north--de]> wrote:

 [7/7] from: ingo:2b1 at: 5-May-2001 22:09

Hi Rishi, ... and yet another way ...
>> show-popup layout [ banner "test" vtext "aso ..." ] >> hide-popup
kind regards, Ingo Once upon a time Rishi Oswal spoketh thus:

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