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 [1/13] from: ammoncooke::yahoo::com at: 22-Aug-2001 18:58

Hi, Isn't there a transparency effect? I looked at effect lab.r, but found nothing. Thanks!! Ammon

 [2/13] from: ryanc:iesco-dms at: 22-Aug-2001 18:11

The key is 'key. image effect [key 0.0.0] %my-pic.gif --Ryan Ammon Cooke wrote:
> Hi, > Isn't there a transparency effect? I looked at effect lab.r, but found nothing.
<<quoted lines omitted: 4>>
> [rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the > subject, without the quotes.
-- Ryan Cole Programmer Analyst 707-468-5400

 [3/13] from: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 23-Aug-2001 8:24

Ammon Cooke wrote:
> Hi, > > Isn't there a transparency effect? I looked at effect lab.r, but found nothing.
I think you can do transparency, but I don't remember exactly how. Try setting face color to 'none, and you will get transparent face. You can set it's edge to see the result. If you want some picture with defined color to be transparent, you still has to set face color to none, and use 'key effect IIRC. If you want to "blend", then forget it - we have not alpha available at user level ... If I am wrong, someone correct me, please :-) Cheers, -pekr-

 [4/13] from: arolls:bigpond:au at: 23-Aug-2001 22:38

You can roll your own transparency. See "Desktop/ blend" Not very fast, but could be useful.

 [5/13] from: arolls:bigpond:au at: 23-Aug-2001 22:38

If you mean alpha-channel, where one image is blended by some amount over another image so that pixels from both images combine, then no, there is no alpha-channel. I am pretty sure that keying is the closest you are going to get. However, you could do a multiply on two images, by 64.64.64, then manually add the pixels for your result. It wouldn't be fast, though.

 [6/13] from: ammoncooke:y:ahoo at: 23-Aug-2001 8:03

If the layout background is an image, I want a 50% transparent colored a box on top of it. Is that what you mean by blend? thanks!! Ammon

 [7/13] from: ronald:gruss:libertysurf at: 23-Aug-2001 15:57

Hi Rebolers, I didn't go further, but Frank Sievertsen seems to use some transparency in his FX5-Styles démo when clicking on File for instance.... (desktop/ hope it'll help Cheers Ronald

 [8/13] from: ammoncooke:y:ahoo at: 23-Aug-2001 8:22

thanks!! Ammon

 [9/13] from: meekerdb:rain at: 15-Nov-2001 14:15

I need to plot some points dynamically over an image. I thought I could do it easily by adapting graph.r by Phil Bevans. I'd just make the paper transparent and make the image the backdrop. This sorta worked. I made the "paper" color, white, transparent in the panel on which the plot is done. That works up until I clear the plot to update it. Then the "paper" goes back to white - which should be OK since I've made white the transparent color - but it isn't transparent anymore. Is it a bug that white doesn't remain transparent - or do I just not know how to keep it that way. Below is the code of graph.r with my few mods to it. If you search down for ";;;this works" and ";;;this makes paper opaque again" you'll see where I think the problem is - but then I obviously don't understand the problem. Brent Meeker "A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history--with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila." --Mitch Ratcliffe ================================================================================ REBOL [] ; functions paper: make object! [ size: 0x0 x-min: -1 x-max: 1 y-min: -1 y-max: 1 grid: yes x-grid: 20 y-grid: 20 grid-color: red axes: yes axes-color: black paper-color: white pen-color: black axes-color: black image: none crt: func [ size [pair!] xmin [decimal!] xmax [decimal!] ymin [decimal!] ymax [decimal!] ] [ self/size: size self/x-min: xmin self/x-max: xmax self/y-min: ymin self/y-max: ymax self/image: to-image to-pair reduce [size/x size/y] clear-im self/image self/paper-color ] ] ; clear the image to a colour clear-im: func [im [image!] color [tuple!] /local j] [ repeat j im/size/x * im/size/y [poke im j color] ] ; plot a point plot: func [im [image!] p col [tuple!] /local i xs ys] [ set [xs ys] [im/size/x im/size/y] if any[p/x < 1 p/x > xs p/y < 1 p/y > ys] [return] i: ys - p/y * xs + p/x if any [i <= 0 i > (im/size/x * im/size/y)] [return] poke im i col ] draw-line: func [ {draw line from point a to b using Bresenham's algorithm} im [image!] a [pair!] b [pair!] color [tuple!] /local d inc dpr dpru p set-pixel xs ys ][ set [xs ys] [im/size/x im/size/y] set-pixel: func [p c] [poke im (ys - p/y * xs + p/x) c] if any [a/x < 1 a/y < 1 a/x > xs a/y > ys b/x < 1 b/y < 1 b/x > xs b/y > ys] [return] d: abs (b - a) inc: 1x1 if a/x > b/x [inc/x: -1] if a/y > b/y [inc/y: -1] either d/x >= d/y [ dpr: 2 * d/y dpru: dpr - (2 * d/x) p: dpr - d/x loop d/x + 1 [ set-pixel a color either p > 0 [ a: a + inc p: p + dpru ][ a/x: a/x + inc/x p: p + dpr ] ] ][ dpr: 2 * d/x dpru: dpr - (2 * d/y) p: dpr - d/y loop d/y + 1 [ set-pixel a color either p > 0 [ a: a + inc p: p + dpru ][ a/y: a/y + inc/y p: p + dpr ] ] ] ] ; Convert Degrees to Radians & Radians to Degrees rad: function [x] [] [ x * pi / 180 ] deg: function [x] [] [ x * 180 / pi ] ; trig functions sin: function [x] [] [return sine/radians x] cos: function [x] [] [return cosine/radians x] tan: function [x] [] [return tangent/radians x] ; square-root sqrt: function [x] [] [return square-root x] ; hyperbolic trig functions sinh: function [x] [] [return ((exp(x)) - (exp(- x))) / 2] cosh: function [x] [] [return ((exp(x)) + (exp(- x))) / 2] tanh: function [x] [] [return ((exp(2 * x)) - 1) / ((exp(2 * x)) + 1)] fac: func [x [integer!] /local fa i] [ if x < 0 [return none] fa: 1.0 i: 1 while [i <= x] [ fa: fa * i i: i + 1 ] return fa ] ; create a function create-function: function [t-func [string!]] [f] [ ; return a newly created function if error? try [f: to-block load t-func] [return none] function [x [any-type!]] [] f ] mod: func [ {compute a non-negative remainder} a [number!] b [number!] /local r ] [ either negative? r: a // b [ r + abs b ] [r] ] round: func [ "Round a number" n [number!] /places p [integer!] {Decimal places - can be negative} /local factor r ] [ factor: either places [10 ** (- p)] [1] n: 0.5 * factor + n n - mod n factor ] floor: func [ n [number!] /places p [integer!] {Decimal places - can be negative} /local factor r ] [ factor: either places [10 ** (- p)] [1] n - mod n factor ] ceiling: func [ n [number!] /places p [integer!] {Decimal places - can be negative} /local factor r ] [ factor: either places [10 ** (- p)] [1] n + mod (- n) factor ] truncate: func [ n [number!] /places p [integer!] {Decimal places - can be negative} /local factor r ] [ factor: either places [10 ** (- p)] [1] n - (n // factor) ] ; initialise the graph init-graph: func [paper [object!]] [ clear-im paper/image paper/paper-color draw-axes paper ] draw-axes: func [paper /local pt] [ pt: coordinates paper 0 0 if all [pt/y >= 0 pt/y < paper/size/y] [draw-line paper/image to-pair reduce [1 pt/y] to-pair reduce [(paper/size/x - 1) pt/y] paper/axes-color] ; x-axis if all [pt/x >= 0 pt/x < paper/size/x] [draw-line paper/image to-pair reduce [pt/x 1] to-pair reduce [pt/x paper/size/y] paper/axes-color]; y-axis ] ; convert to co-ordinates coordinates: func [paper [object!] x [number!] y [number!] /local xc yc] [ xd: x - paper/x-min xp: (paper/x-max - paper/x-min) / paper/size/x xc: xd / xp if any [xc < 0 xc > paper/size/x] [-1] if error? try[xc: to-integer round xc] [return none] yd: y - paper/y-min yp: (paper/y-max - paper/y-min) / paper/size/y yc: yd / yp if any [yc < 0 yc > paper/size/y] [-1] if error? try[yc: to-integer round yc] [return none] return make pair! reduce [xc yc] ] new-styles: stylize [ fix-area: area font [name: "courier new" size: 12] wrap fix-field: field font [name: "courier new" size: 12] fix-text: text font [name: "courier new" size: 12] ] ; Draw the graph draw-graph: func [paper [object!] t-fx [string!] trace [string!] /local x x-step fx pt last-pt] [ if t-fx = "" [request/ok "No function entered" return] f-fx: create-function t-fx if not function? :f-fx [request/ok "Improper function entered" return] last-pt: none x-step: (paper/x-max - paper/x-min) / paper/size/x for x paper/x-min paper/x-max x-step [ either not error? try [fx: f-fx x] [ pt: coordinates paper x fx if pt <> none [ switch trace [ "Point" [plot paper/image pt paper/pen-color] "Line" [ either last-pt <> none [draw-line paper/image last-pt pt paper/pen-color] [plot paper/image pt paper/pen-color] ] ] ] last-pt: pt ] [last-pt: none] ] ] ; Graph Paper settings gr-settings: func [ paper [object!] gr-face [object!] /local f-xmin f-xmax f-ymin f-ymax f-paper-color f-pen-color lv-valid lv-col ] [ view/new layout [ backdrop 0.150.0 styles new-styles origin 5x5 space 5 across at 5x5 label "Min X" right 80x24 f-xmin: fix-field to-string(paper/x-min) 100x24 return label "Max X" right 80x24 f-xmax: fix-field to-string(paper/x-max) 100x24 return label "Min Y" right 80x24 f-ymin: fix-field to-string(paper/y-min) 100x24 return label "Max Y" right 80x24 f-ymax: fix-field to-string(paper/y-max) 100x24 return pad 0x-3 label "Clear" right 80x24 pad 0x3 cb-clear: check with [state: false] return pad 0x-5 button "Paper Color" 80x24 [ lv-col: request-color/color paper/paper-color if lv-col <> none [ f-paper-color/color: lv-col show f-paper-color ] ] f-paper-color: box paper/paper-color 100x24 edge [size: 2x2 color: gray effect: 'bevel] return button "Pen Color" 80x24 [ lv-col: request-color/color paper/paper-color if lv-col <> none [ f-pen-color/color: lv-col show f-pen-color ] ] f-pen-color: box paper/pen-color 100x24 edge [size: 2x2 color: gray effect: 'bevel] return button "Apply" 185x24 [ lv-valid: yes if error? try [paper/x-min: to-decimal f-xmin/text] [request/ok Invalid Min X value entered lv-valid: no] if error? try [paper/x-max: to-decimal f-xmax/text] [request/ok Invalid Max X value entered lv-valid: no] if error? try [paper/y-min: to-decimal f-ymin/text] [request/ok Invalid Min Y value entered lv-valid: no] if error? try [paper/y-max: to-decimal f-ymax/text] [request/ok Invalid Min Y value entered lv-valid: no] paper/paper-color: f-paper-color/color paper/pen-color: f-pen-color/color if cb-clear/data = true [ init-graph pape show gr-face ] if lv-valid = yes [unview] ] ] ] ; ; Main Line ; gr-size: 700x500 gr-paper: make paper [] gr-paper/crt gr-size -180.0 180.0 -10.0 90.0 gr-paper/pen-color: 0.0.255 gr-paper/paper-color: 255.255.255 gr-paper/image: to-image 650x400 draw-axes gr-paper lv-init-eqn: "10 * (1 + ((sin (x / 30)) / (x / 30)))" ; ; view the window ; view layout [ backdrop %ma-31f-16.jpg origin 0x0 styles new-styles at 0x0 space 0x0 panel [ backdrop teal origin 0x0 space 0 across vtext "Clear" bold white teal 40x24 [ init-graph gr-paper show gr-paper-f ;;;this makes paper opaque again ] vtext "Save" bold white teal 40x24 [ t-save-name: request-file/title/filter/keep/file "Save Graph as png" "Save" "*.png" "graph.png" if t-save-name <> none [ if error? try [save/png to-file t-save-name gr-paper/image] [request/OK "Unable to Save graph"] ] ] vtext "Settings" bold white teal [gr-settings gr-paper gr-paper-f] 60x24 vtext "Quit" bold white teal [quit] 40x24 ] edge [size: 1x1 color: gray effect: 'bevel] 510x24 panel [ across origin 5x5 space 5x5 at 5x5 gr-paper-f: image gr-paper/image effect [key white] ;;;this works return t-func1: fix-field lv-init-eqn (gr-size * 1x0 + 0x24) space 0 return r-trace: rotary 120.20.120 100x24 data ["Line" "Point"] button "Graph Color" [ gr-col: request-color/color gr-paper/pen-color if gr-col <> none [gr-paper/pen-color: gr-col] ] space 0x5 button "Draw f(x)" 100x24 [ draw-graph gr-paper t-func1/text first r-trace/data show gr-paper-f ] button "Save Equation" [ either t-func1/text = "" [request/ok "No equation to Save"] [ filnm: request-file/title/filter/file/keep "Save Equation" Save "*.eqn" "graph.eqn" if filnm <> none [ if error? try [write to-file filnm t-func1/text] [request/OK "Unable to Save Equation"] ] ] ] button "Load Equation" [ filnm: request-file/title/filter/file/keep "Load Equation" Load "*.eqn" "graph.eqn" if filnm <> none [ t-func1/text: read to-file filnm show t-func1 ] ] ] 660x410 + (2 * 0x25) + 0x5 ]

 [10/13] from: arolls:idatam:au at: 16-Nov-2001 13:21

Try changing effect [key white] to effect [key 255.255.255] Anton.
> I need to plot some points dynamically over an image. I > thought I could
<<quoted lines omitted: 15>>
> gr-paper-f: image gr-paper/image > effect [key white] ;;;this works
effect [key 255.255.255]

 [11/13] from: arolls:idatam:au at: 16-Nov-2001 16:10

Also it was mentioned before, by Holger I think, that it is not recommended to roll your own object!s to be used as faces. ie. if you want a face, then make face [...] not make object! [...] It should be more future-proof that way. Anton.

 [12/13] from: philb:upnaway at: 16-Nov-2001 21:30

Hi Anton, the make object in this program (to create the paper attibutes) really was an object not a face. Cheers Phil === Original Message === Also it was mentioned before, by Holger I think, that it is not recommended to roll your own object!s to be used as faces. ie. if you want a face, then make face [...] not make object! [...] It should be more future-proof that way. Anton.

 [13/13] from: philb:upnaway at: 16-Nov-2001 21:42

Hi Brent, I never managed to get the key effect to work ... excellent. The version of graph.r you are using is rather old. I did start work on a version that used the draw dialect to draw lines instead of poke'ing the image. As the lines are just enties in a block it is possible to remove the lines by removing the entries in the block & re-showing the face. This is much quicker than clearing the image as the program currently does (by poking every pixel!!). It may solve your transparency problem. Cheers Phil === Original Message === I need to plot some points dynamically over an image. I thought I could do it easily by adapting graph.r by Phil Bevans. I'd just make the paper transparent and make the image the backdrop. This sorta worked. I made the "paper" color, white, transparent in the panel on which the plot is done. That works up until I clear the plot to update it. Then the "paper" goes back to white - which should be OK since I've made white the transparent color - but it isn't transparent anymore. Is it a bug that white doesn't remain transparent - or do I just not know how to keep it that way. Below is the code of graph.r with my few mods to it. If you search down for ";;;this works" and ";;;this makes paper opaque again" you'll see where I think the problem is - but then I obviously don't understand the problem. Brent Meeker "A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history--with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila." --Mitch Ratcliffe ================================================================================ REBOL [] ; functions paper: make object! [ size: 0x0 x-min: -1 x-max: 1 y-min: -1 y-max: 1 grid: yes x-grid: 20 y-grid: 20 grid-color: red axes: yes axes-color: black paper-color: white pen-color: black axes-color: black image: none crt: func [ size [pair!] xmin [decimal!] xmax [decimal!] ymin [decimal!] ymax [decimal!] ] [ self/size: size self/x-min: xmin self/x-max: xmax self/y-min: ymin self/y-max: ymax self/image: to-image to-pair reduce [size/x size/y] clear-im self/image self/paper-color ] ] ; clear the image to a colour clear-im: func [im [image!] color [tuple!] /local j] [ repeat j im/size/x * im/size/y [poke im j color] ] ; plot a point plot: func [im [image!] p col [tuple!] /local i xs ys] [ set [xs ys] [im/size/x im/size/y] if any[p/x < 1 p/x > xs p/y < 1 p/y > ys] [return] i: ys - p/y * xs + p/x if any [i <= 0 i > (im/size/x * im/size/y)] [return] poke im i col ] draw-line: func [ {draw line from point a to b using Bresenham's algorithm} im [image!] a [pair!] b [pair!] color [tuple!] /local d inc dpr dpru p set-pixel xs ys ][ set [xs ys] [im/size/x im/size/y] set-pixel: func [p c] [poke im (ys - p/y * xs + p/x) c] if any [a/x < 1 a/y < 1 a/x > xs a/y > ys b/x < 1 b/y < 1 b/x > xs b/y > ys] [return] d: abs (b - a) inc: 1x1 if a/x > b/x [inc/x: -1] if a/y > b/y [inc/y: -1] either d/x >= d/y [ dpr: 2 * d/y dpru: dpr - (2 * d/x) p: dpr - d/x loop d/x + 1 [ set-pixel a color either p > 0 [ a: a + inc p: p + dpru ][ a/x: a/x + inc/x p: p + dpr ] ] ][ dpr: 2 * d/x dpru: dpr - (2 * d/y) p: dpr - d/y loop d/y + 1 [ set-pixel a color either p > 0 [ a: a + inc p: p + dpru ][ a/y: a/y + inc/y p: p + dpr ] ] ] ] ; Convert Degrees to Radians & Radians to Degrees rad: function [x] [] [ x * pi / 180 ] deg: function [x] [] [ x * 180 / pi ] ; trig functions sin: function [x] [] [return sine/radians x] cos: function [x] [] [return cosine/radians x] tan: function [x] [] [return tangent/radians x] ; square-root sqrt: function [x] [] [return square-root x] ; hyperbolic trig functions sinh: function [x] [] [return ((exp(x)) - (exp(- x))) / 2] cosh: function [x] [] [return ((exp(x)) + (exp(- x))) / 2] tanh: function [x] [] [return ((exp(2 * x)) - 1) / ((exp(2 * x)) + 1)] fac: func [x [integer!] /local fa i] [ if x < 0 [return none] fa: 1.0 i: 1 while [i <= x] [ fa: fa * i i: i + 1 ] return fa ] ; create a function create-function: function [t-func [string!]] [f] [ ; return a newly created function if error? try [f: to-block load t-func] [return none] function [x [any-type!]] [] f ] mod: func [ {compute a non-negative remainder} a [number!] b [number!] /local r ] [ either negative? r: a // b [ r + abs b ] [r] ] round: func [ "Round a number" n [number!] /places p [integer!] {Decimal places - can be negative} /local factor r ] [ factor: either places [10 ** (- p)] [1] n: 0.5 * factor + n n - mod n factor ] floor: func [ n [number!] /places p [integer!] {Decimal places - can be negative} /local factor r ] [ factor: either places [10 ** (- p)] [1] n - mod n factor ] ceiling: func [ n [number!] /places p [integer!] {Decimal places - can be negative} /local factor r ] [ factor: either places [10 ** (- p)] [1] n + mod (- n) factor ] truncate: func [ n [number!] /places p [integer!] {Decimal places - can be negative} /local factor r ] [ factor: either places [10 ** (- p)] [1] n - (n // factor) ] ; initialise the graph init-graph: func [paper [object!]] [ clear-im paper/image paper/paper-color draw-axes paper ] draw-axes: func [paper /local pt] [ pt: coordinates paper 0 0 if all [pt/y >= 0 pt/y < paper/size/y] [draw-line paper/image to-pair reduce [1 pt/y] to-pair reduce [(paper/size/x - 1) pt/y] paper/axes-color] ; x-axis if all [pt/x >= 0 pt/x < paper/size/x] [draw-line paper/image to-pair reduce [pt/x 1] to-pair reduce [pt/x paper/size/y] paper/axes-color]; y-axis ] ; convert to co-ordinates coordinates: func [paper [object!] x [number!] y [number!] /local xc yc] [ xd: x - paper/x-min xp: (paper/x-max - paper/x-min) / paper/size/x xc: xd / xp if any [xc < 0 xc > paper/size/x] [-1] if error? try[xc: to-integer round xc] [return none] yd: y - paper/y-min yp: (paper/y-max - paper/y-min) / paper/size/y yc: yd / yp if any [yc < 0 yc > paper/size/y] [-1] if error? try[yc: to-integer round yc] [return none] return make pair! reduce [xc yc] ] new-styles: stylize [ fix-area: area font [name: "courier new" size: 12] wrap fix-field: field font [name: "courier new" size: 12] fix-text: text font [name: "courier new" size: 12] ] ; Draw the graph draw-graph: func [paper [object!] t-fx [string!] trace [string!] /local x x-step fx pt last-pt] [ if t-fx = "" [request/ok "No function entered" return] f-fx: create-function t-fx if not function? :f-fx [request/ok "Improper function entered" return] last-pt: none x-step: (paper/x-max - paper/x-min) / paper/size/x for x paper/x-min paper/x-max x-step [ either not error? try [fx: f-fx x] [ pt: coordinates paper x fx if pt <> none [ switch trace [ "Point" [plot paper/image pt paper/pen-color] "Line" [ either last-pt <> none [draw-line paper/image last-pt pt paper/pen-color] [plot paper/image pt paper/pen-color] ] ] ] last-pt: pt ] [last-pt: none] ] ] ; Graph Paper settings gr-settings: func [ paper [object!] gr-face [object!] /local f-xmin f-xmax f-ymin f-ymax f-paper-color f-pen-color lv-valid lv-col ] [ view/new layout [ backdrop 0.150.0 styles new-styles origin 5x5 space 5 across at 5x5 label "Min X" right 80x24 f-xmin: fix-field to-string(paper/x-min) 100x24 return label "Max X" right 80x24 f-xmax: fix-field to-string(paper/x-max) 100x24 return label "Min Y" right 80x24 f-ymin: fix-field to-string(paper/y-min) 100x24 return label "Max Y" right 80x24 f-ymax: fix-field to-string(paper/y-max) 100x24 return pad 0x-3 label "Clear" right 80x24 pad 0x3 cb-clear: check with [state: false] return pad 0x-5 button "Paper Color" 80x24 [ lv-col: request-color/color paper/paper-color if lv-col <> none [ f-paper-color/color: lv-col show f-paper-color ] ] f-paper-color: box paper/paper-color 100x24 edge [size: 2x2 color: gray effect: 'bevel] return button "Pen Color" 80x24 [ lv-col: request-color/color paper/paper-color if lv-col <> none [ f-pen-color/color: lv-col show f-pen-color ] ] f-pen-color: box paper/pen-color 100x24 edge [size: 2x2 color: gray effect: 'bevel] return button "Apply" 185x24 [ lv-valid: yes if error? try [paper/x-min: to-decimal f-xmin/text] [request/ok Invalid Min X value entered lv-valid: no] if error? try [paper/x-max: to-decimal f-xmax/text] [request/ok Invalid Max X value entered lv-valid: no] if error? try [paper/y-min: to-decimal f-ymin/text] [request/ok Invalid Min Y value entered lv-valid: no] if error? try [paper/y-max: to-decimal f-ymax/text] [request/ok Invalid Min Y value entered lv-valid: no] paper/paper-color: f-paper-color/color paper/pen-color: f-pen-color/color if cb-clear/data = true [ init-graph pape show gr-face ] if lv-valid = yes [unview] ] ] ] ; ; Main Line ; gr-size: 700x500 gr-paper: make paper [] gr-paper/crt gr-size -180.0 180.0 -10.0 90.0 gr-paper/pen-color: 0.0.255 gr-paper/paper-color: 255.255.255 gr-paper/image: to-image 650x400 draw-axes gr-paper lv-init-eqn: "10 * (1 + ((sin (x / 30)) / (x / 30)))" ; ; view the window ; view layout [ backdrop %ma-31f-16.jpg origin 0x0 styles new-styles at 0x0 space 0x0 panel [ backdrop teal origin 0x0 space 0 across vtext "Clear" bold white teal 40x24 [ init-graph gr-paper show gr-paper-f ;;;this makes paper opaque again ] vtext "Save" bold white teal 40x24 [ t-save-name: request-file/title/filter/keep/file "Save Graph as png" "Save" "*.png" "graph.png" if t-save-name <> none [ if error? try [save/png to-file t-save-name gr-paper/image] [request/OK "Unable to Save graph"] ] ] vtext "Settings" bold white teal [gr-settings gr-paper gr-paper-f] 60x24 vtext "Quit" bold white teal [quit] 40x24 ] edge [size: 1x1 color: gray effect: 'bevel] 510x24 panel [ across origin 5x5 space 5x5 at 5x5 gr-paper-f: image gr-paper/image effect [key white] ;;;this works return t-func1: fix-field lv-init-eqn (gr-size * 1x0 + 0x24) space 0 return r-trace: rotary 120.20.120 100x24 data ["Line" "Point"] button "Graph Color" [ gr-col: request-color/color gr-paper/pen-color if gr-col <> none [gr-paper/pen-color: gr-col] ] space 0x5 button "Draw f(x)" 100x24 [ draw-graph gr-paper t-func1/text first r-trace/data show gr-paper-f ] button "Save Equation" [ either t-func1/text = "" [request/ok "No equation to Save"] [ filnm: request-file/title/filter/file/keep "Save Equation" Save "*.eqn" "graph.eqn" if filnm <> none [ if error? try [write to-file filnm t-func1/text] [request/OK "Unable to Save Equation"] ] ] ] button "Load Equation" [ filnm: request-file/title/filter/file/keep "Load Equation" Load "*.eqn" "graph.eqn" if filnm <> none [ t-func1/text: read to-file filnm show t-func1 ] ] ] 660x410 + (2 * 0x25) + 0x5 ]

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