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[REBOL] Transparency

From: meekerdb:rain at: 15-Nov-2001 14:15

I need to plot some points dynamically over an image. I thought I could do it easily by adapting graph.r by Phil Bevans. I'd just make the paper transparent and make the image the backdrop. This sorta worked. I made the "paper" color, white, transparent in the panel on which the plot is done. That works up until I clear the plot to update it. Then the "paper" goes back to white - which should be OK since I've made white the transparent color - but it isn't transparent anymore. Is it a bug that white doesn't remain transparent - or do I just not know how to keep it that way. Below is the code of graph.r with my few mods to it. If you search down for ";;;this works" and ";;;this makes paper opaque again" you'll see where I think the problem is - but then I obviously don't understand the problem. Brent Meeker "A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history--with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila." --Mitch Ratcliffe ================================================================================ REBOL [] ; functions paper: make object! [ size: 0x0 x-min: -1 x-max: 1 y-min: -1 y-max: 1 grid: yes x-grid: 20 y-grid: 20 grid-color: red axes: yes axes-color: black paper-color: white pen-color: black axes-color: black image: none crt: func [ size [pair!] xmin [decimal!] xmax [decimal!] ymin [decimal!] ymax [decimal!] ] [ self/size: size self/x-min: xmin self/x-max: xmax self/y-min: ymin self/y-max: ymax self/image: to-image to-pair reduce [size/x size/y] clear-im self/image self/paper-color ] ] ; clear the image to a colour clear-im: func [im [image!] color [tuple!] /local j] [ repeat j im/size/x * im/size/y [poke im j color] ] ; plot a point plot: func [im [image!] p col [tuple!] /local i xs ys] [ set [xs ys] [im/size/x im/size/y] if any[p/x < 1 p/x > xs p/y < 1 p/y > ys] [return] i: ys - p/y * xs + p/x if any [i <= 0 i > (im/size/x * im/size/y)] [return] poke im i col ] draw-line: func [ {draw line from point a to b using Bresenham's algorithm} im [image!] a [pair!] b [pair!] color [tuple!] /local d inc dpr dpru p set-pixel xs ys ][ set [xs ys] [im/size/x im/size/y] set-pixel: func [p c] [poke im (ys - p/y * xs + p/x) c] if any [a/x < 1 a/y < 1 a/x > xs a/y > ys b/x < 1 b/y < 1 b/x > xs b/y > ys] [return] d: abs (b - a) inc: 1x1 if a/x > b/x [inc/x: -1] if a/y > b/y [inc/y: -1] either d/x >= d/y [ dpr: 2 * d/y dpru: dpr - (2 * d/x) p: dpr - d/x loop d/x + 1 [ set-pixel a color either p > 0 [ a: a + inc p: p + dpru ][ a/x: a/x + inc/x p: p + dpr ] ] ][ dpr: 2 * d/x dpru: dpr - (2 * d/y) p: dpr - d/y loop d/y + 1 [ set-pixel a color either p > 0 [ a: a + inc p: p + dpru ][ a/y: a/y + inc/y p: p + dpr ] ] ] ] ; Convert Degrees to Radians & Radians to Degrees rad: function [x] [] [ x * pi / 180 ] deg: function [x] [] [ x * 180 / pi ] ; trig functions sin: function [x] [] [return sine/radians x] cos: function [x] [] [return cosine/radians x] tan: function [x] [] [return tangent/radians x] ; square-root sqrt: function [x] [] [return square-root x] ; hyperbolic trig functions sinh: function [x] [] [return ((exp(x)) - (exp(- x))) / 2] cosh: function [x] [] [return ((exp(x)) + (exp(- x))) / 2] tanh: function [x] [] [return ((exp(2 * x)) - 1) / ((exp(2 * x)) + 1)] fac: func [x [integer!] /local fa i] [ if x < 0 [return none] fa: 1.0 i: 1 while [i <= x] [ fa: fa * i i: i + 1 ] return fa ] ; create a function create-function: function [t-func [string!]] [f] [ ; return a newly created function if error? try [f: to-block load t-func] [return none] function [x [any-type!]] [] f ] mod: func [ {compute a non-negative remainder} a [number!] b [number!] /local r ] [ either negative? r: a // b [ r + abs b ] [r] ] round: func [ "Round a number" n [number!] /places p [integer!] {Decimal places - can be negative} /local factor r ] [ factor: either places [10 ** (- p)] [1] n: 0.5 * factor + n n - mod n factor ] floor: func [ n [number!] /places p [integer!] {Decimal places - can be negative} /local factor r ] [ factor: either places [10 ** (- p)] [1] n - mod n factor ] ceiling: func [ n [number!] /places p [integer!] {Decimal places - can be negative} /local factor r ] [ factor: either places [10 ** (- p)] [1] n + mod (- n) factor ] truncate: func [ n [number!] /places p [integer!] {Decimal places - can be negative} /local factor r ] [ factor: either places [10 ** (- p)] [1] n - (n // factor) ] ; initialise the graph init-graph: func [paper [object!]] [ clear-im paper/image paper/paper-color draw-axes paper ] draw-axes: func [paper /local pt] [ pt: coordinates paper 0 0 if all [pt/y >= 0 pt/y < paper/size/y] [draw-line paper/image to-pair reduce [1 pt/y] to-pair reduce [(paper/size/x - 1) pt/y] paper/axes-color] ; x-axis if all [pt/x >= 0 pt/x < paper/size/x] [draw-line paper/image to-pair reduce [pt/x 1] to-pair reduce [pt/x paper/size/y] paper/axes-color]; y-axis ] ; convert to co-ordinates coordinates: func [paper [object!] x [number!] y [number!] /local xc yc] [ xd: x - paper/x-min xp: (paper/x-max - paper/x-min) / paper/size/x xc: xd / xp if any [xc < 0 xc > paper/size/x] [-1] if error? try[xc: to-integer round xc] [return none] yd: y - paper/y-min yp: (paper/y-max - paper/y-min) / paper/size/y yc: yd / yp if any [yc < 0 yc > paper/size/y] [-1] if error? try[yc: to-integer round yc] [return none] return make pair! reduce [xc yc] ] new-styles: stylize [ fix-area: area font [name: "courier new" size: 12] wrap fix-field: field font [name: "courier new" size: 12] fix-text: text font [name: "courier new" size: 12] ] ; Draw the graph draw-graph: func [paper [object!] t-fx [string!] trace [string!] /local x x-step fx pt last-pt] [ if t-fx = "" [request/ok "No function entered" return] f-fx: create-function t-fx if not function? :f-fx [request/ok "Improper function entered" return] last-pt: none x-step: (paper/x-max - paper/x-min) / paper/size/x for x paper/x-min paper/x-max x-step [ either not error? try [fx: f-fx x] [ pt: coordinates paper x fx if pt <> none [ switch trace [ "Point" [plot paper/image pt paper/pen-color] "Line" [ either last-pt <> none [draw-line paper/image last-pt pt paper/pen-color] [plot paper/image pt paper/pen-color] ] ] ] last-pt: pt ] [last-pt: none] ] ] ; Graph Paper settings gr-settings: func [ paper [object!] gr-face [object!] /local f-xmin f-xmax f-ymin f-ymax f-paper-color f-pen-color lv-valid lv-col ] [ view/new layout [ backdrop 0.150.0 styles new-styles origin 5x5 space 5 across at 5x5 label "Min X" right 80x24 f-xmin: fix-field to-string(paper/x-min) 100x24 return label "Max X" right 80x24 f-xmax: fix-field to-string(paper/x-max) 100x24 return label "Min Y" right 80x24 f-ymin: fix-field to-string(paper/y-min) 100x24 return label "Max Y" right 80x24 f-ymax: fix-field to-string(paper/y-max) 100x24 return pad 0x-3 label "Clear" right 80x24 pad 0x3 cb-clear: check with [state: false] return pad 0x-5 button "Paper Color" 80x24 [ lv-col: request-color/color paper/paper-color if lv-col <> none [ f-paper-color/color: lv-col show f-paper-color ] ] f-paper-color: box paper/paper-color 100x24 edge [size: 2x2 color: gray effect: 'bevel] return button "Pen Color" 80x24 [ lv-col: request-color/color paper/paper-color if lv-col <> none [ f-pen-color/color: lv-col show f-pen-color ] ] f-pen-color: box paper/pen-color 100x24 edge [size: 2x2 color: gray effect: 'bevel] return button "Apply" 185x24 [ lv-valid: yes if error? try [paper/x-min: to-decimal f-xmin/text] [request/ok Invalid Min X value entered lv-valid: no] if error? try [paper/x-max: to-decimal f-xmax/text] [request/ok Invalid Max X value entered lv-valid: no] if error? try [paper/y-min: to-decimal f-ymin/text] [request/ok Invalid Min Y value entered lv-valid: no] if error? try [paper/y-max: to-decimal f-ymax/text] [request/ok Invalid Min Y value entered lv-valid: no] paper/paper-color: f-paper-color/color paper/pen-color: f-pen-color/color if cb-clear/data = true [ init-graph pape show gr-face ] if lv-valid = yes [unview] ] ] ] ; ; Main Line ; gr-size: 700x500 gr-paper: make paper [] gr-paper/crt gr-size -180.0 180.0 -10.0 90.0 gr-paper/pen-color: 0.0.255 gr-paper/paper-color: 255.255.255 gr-paper/image: to-image 650x400 draw-axes gr-paper lv-init-eqn: "10 * (1 + ((sin (x / 30)) / (x / 30)))" ; ; view the window ; view layout [ backdrop %ma-31f-16.jpg origin 0x0 styles new-styles at 0x0 space 0x0 panel [ backdrop teal origin 0x0 space 0 across vtext "Clear" bold white teal 40x24 [ init-graph gr-paper show gr-paper-f ;;;this makes paper opaque again ] vtext "Save" bold white teal 40x24 [ t-save-name: request-file/title/filter/keep/file "Save Graph as png" "Save" "*.png" "graph.png" if t-save-name <> none [ if error? try [save/png to-file t-save-name gr-paper/image] [request/OK "Unable to Save graph"] ] ] vtext "Settings" bold white teal [gr-settings gr-paper gr-paper-f] 60x24 vtext "Quit" bold white teal [quit] 40x24 ] edge [size: 1x1 color: gray effect: 'bevel] 510x24 panel [ across origin 5x5 space 5x5 at 5x5 gr-paper-f: image gr-paper/image effect [key white] ;;;this works return t-func1: fix-field lv-init-eqn (gr-size * 1x0 + 0x24) space 0 return r-trace: rotary 120.20.120 100x24 data ["Line" "Point"] button "Graph Color" [ gr-col: request-color/color gr-paper/pen-color if gr-col <> none [gr-paper/pen-color: gr-col] ] space 0x5 button "Draw f(x)" 100x24 [ draw-graph gr-paper t-func1/text first r-trace/data show gr-paper-f ] button "Save Equation" [ either t-func1/text = "" [request/ok "No equation to Save"] [ filnm: request-file/title/filter/file/keep "Save Equation" Save "*.eqn" "graph.eqn" if filnm <> none [ if error? try [write to-file filnm t-func1/text] [request/OK "Unable to Save Equation"] ] ] ] button "Load Equation" [ filnm: request-file/title/filter/file/keep "Load Equation" Load "*.eqn" "graph.eqn" if filnm <> none [ t-func1/text: read to-file filnm show t-func1 ] ] ] 660x410 + (2 * 0x25) + 0x5 ]