AnaMonitor object/block monitor released
[1/16] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 7-Nov-2001 11:01
Hi Romano,
<< I have not that problem (W98) ! Any ideas? >>
Hmmm. I'm running the same version of View that you are, under Win2K. I
haven't looked at your code. What are you doing to display the items? Maybe
that's the difference...though Anton saw it too...
[2/16] from: ammonjohnson:ya:hoo at: 7-Nov-2001 15:22
I am also running on Win2K, I just double-clicked it. ;-) I have no problem
browsing it.
PS Sorry if that last email went through I punched the send button to soon.
[3/16] from: greggirwin::mindspring::com at: 7-Nov-2001 15:22
Hi Ammon,
<< I am also running on Win2K, I just double-clicked it. ;-) I have no
browsing it. >>
Wierd. It locks up tight here.
[4/16] from: arolls:idatam:au at: 8-Nov-2001 11:56
I try it again now and it seems to work.
I'm using same Rebol/View as you (the latest), under NT4.
I modified the resize-ly function, near the
bottom, to get (in my opinion) better behaviour
when resizing the window.
The affected line:
view/new/options/offset/title ly [resize] lyold/offset header/title
Using the old offset instead of grabbing from the prefs.
I don't know if you intend to save to the prefs when
resizing, though. :)
I want to figure out how to save prefs into the
same source file. Maybe it can go into the header?
Anyone have any ideas on this?
Then we can write a nice document: "How to load/save prefs".
[5/16] from: arolls:idatam:au at: 8-Nov-2001 12:05
Are you having difficulty examining your
object manually, or do you just want to
discover the trouble in AnaMonitor?
Can you show us the code which produces
this troublesome object?
[6/16] from: rotenca:telvia:it at: 8-Nov-2001 15:38
Hi, Anton
> I try it again now and it seems to work.
> Weird.
Can you describe it?
> I modified the resize-ly function, near the
> bottom, to get (in my opinion) better behaviour
<<quoted lines omitted: 4>>
> I don't know if you intend to save to the prefs when
> resizing, though. :)
I had made the same correction in my last version...
Soon on my site, with others bells and whistles.
> I want to figure out how to save prefs into the
> same source file.
I do not like it, because at every new version arise some little problems. But
without doubt can be made.
> Maybe it can go into the header?
I no more use the header to store info. Because of the nature of anamonitor (a
debuggung tool) i think is better to leave the header to the main program (i
cloned my own header at the start, but is not always get a valid result: for
example if you directly include anamonitor code in your working program).
> Anyone have any ideas on this?
Parse could help to store prefs in a given object in the source file.
> Anton.
[7/16] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 8-Nov-2001 11:28
Hi Anton,
<< Are you having difficulty examining your object manually, or do you just
want to discover the trouble in AnaMonitor? >>
I've got a browser, simliar to AnaMonitor, that I'm working on. I think I
found the problem, at least one part of it. If you try to probe or mold it,
it runs forever (or at least a very long time) and seems to have a reference
back to the View object. I'll keep digging.
[8/16] from: rotenca:telvia:it at: 2-Nov-2001 18:06
I've created my new reb site:
You can find in it
AnaMonitor a visual object/block monitor (Media you should find it useful).
Thank for bug report (if some!).
[9/16] from: media:quazart at: 2-Nov-2001 13:37
you just saved me LOTS of time ...
[10/16] from: robert:muench:robertmuench at: 3-Nov-2001 17:18
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [rebol-bounce--rebol--com] [mailto:[rebol-bounce--rebol--com]]On Behalf Of
<<quoted lines omitted: 3>>
> Subject: [REBOL] AnaMonitor object/block monitor released
> AnaMonitor a visual object/block monitor (Media you should find it useful).
Hi, great work! The only thing I'm missing is horizontal scrolling for long
entries... Can it be called from my own scipts like a "debugger" to browse all
the objects/blocks ? Robert
[11/16] from: media:quazart at: 5-Nov-2001 10:09
The way I see it, if you look at the very end of the code, you'll see he
calls anamonitor on the system object...
so you just supply your own object here instead :-)
you must also load the code before and perform a do on it or else it won't
be properly initialized...
as in :
do load %/your/path/to/anamonitor.r
anamonitor yourObject2Scan
I have integrated it in GLASS directly as a debug feature... pressing a key
combination, opens anamonitor with the current window's pointer inside it...
most usefull for debugging the current window's attributes :-)
Thanks again Romano!
[12/16] from: rotenca:telvia:it at: 5-Nov-2001 16:53
Hi, Robert
> Hi, great work! The only thing I'm missing is horizontal scrolling for long
> entries... Can it be called from my own scipts like a "debugger" to browse
> the objects/blocks ?
Thank you.
You should see all (?) the entries clicking on it (or return or space).
You can call it from your program, but you can call it only once (no multiply
instances, the change to get this feature is simple, but the program should
eat more memory).
pay attention: Monitor takes a lit-word as arg, so you can't do:
monitor first face/pane
but you must:
x: first face/pane
monitor x
monitor face/pane/1
There is a new version on my site, with "sort by name/type", "hide unset
words" and minor bugs corrected.
[13/16] from: arolls:idatam:au at: 7-Nov-2001 15:33
I couldn't resist browsing to
oh oh...
Otherwise, excellent work. ;)
This will be very useful.
Now I don't have to write it. :D
This is the sort of tool you need
if you want to examine VID faces,
which is what you need to do if you
want to write a tool like AnaMonitor...
[14/16] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 7-Nov-2001 0:01
Hi Anton,
<< I couldn't resist browsing to system/view/screen-face/pane oh oh...>>
I hit the same issue with something I'm working on. Any ideas? Right now I'm
just ignoring it. It appears to be a block containing 1 object but trying to
get any info out of that object fails.
[15/16] from: rotenca:telvia:it at: 7-Nov-2001 15:11
> << I couldn't resist browsing to system/view/screen-face/pane oh oh...>>
> I hit the same issue with something I'm working on. Any ideas? Right now I'm
> just ignoring it. It appears to be a block containing 1 object but trying to
> get any info out of that object fails.
I have not that problem (W98) ! Any ideas?
[16/16] from: rotenca:telvia:it at: 7-Nov-2001 15:09
Hi, Anton
> I couldn't resist browsing to
> system/view/screen-face/pane
> oh oh...
I've no problem on it. I can see AnaMonitor Face by AnaMonitor itself (if it
this you say) without any problem.
I'm using REBOL/View 21-Jun-2001 under W98.
What happens to you?
> This is the sort of tool you need
> if you want to examine VID faces,
> which is what you need to do if you
> want to write a tool like AnaMonitor...
Exactly the thing i did. I write it to learning vid/view...
Meta-circular semantic? :-)
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