[1/5] from: louisaturk::eudoramail::com at: 19-Apr-2002 15:53
Hi Anton,
At 01:22 AM 4/20/2002 +1000, you wrote:
>Although I am not really expecting it here on this
>list, I don't see a script header. If you are not
>using script headers, I recommend them to you and
>anyone else reading. All my scripts have them.
That I do for all my scripts, except that I generally remove their contents
for my posts to keep from distracting from the code itself. But I guess I
should leave at least the purpose field there. Is there any reason to post
all the fields?
To try to maintain consistency, I have a template file named header with as
much of the info as possible already filled in which I insert when I begin
each script. Here it is (I suspect that there is more even to these
headers than I realize. Are there some advanced purposes for the headers?):
Title: ""
Date: 1-Jan-2002
Version: 1.0.0 ; majorv.minorv.status
; status: 0 = unfinished; 1 = testing; 2 = stable
File: %
Author: "Louis A. Turk"
Rights: {Copyright (C) Louis A. Turk 2002}
Needs: [{Core 2.5}]
Email: [louisaturk--eudoramail--com]
Language: 'English
Purpose: {}
Comments: {}
History: [
1.0.0 [1-Jan-2002 {} {lat}]
The version comments I copied from someone on this list. I don't remember
who, but they help.
[2/5] from: jason:cunliffe:verizon at: 26-May-2002 9:14
How do access headers within a REBOL script?
Version: 1.2.3
Author: "William Shakespeare"
show-version: func[][
return Script/Version ; <<<<<< ??
./Jason [doh: "need sunday morning coffee.."]
[3/5] from: cybarite:sympatico:ca at: 26-May-2002 9:10
For your script, if you probe system/script/header, you should see
[4/5] from: jason:cunliffe:verizon at: 26-May-2002 9:39
>> How do access headers within a REBOL script?
ok I found near the beginning of the book..
[isn't it weird how google is so often blind to REBOL?]
Q2: How do access headers within another REBOL script?
someotherscript/system/script/header/version ???
[5/5] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 26-May-2002 11:44
Hi Jason,
<< Q2: How do access headers within another REBOL script? >>
You need to LOAD it AFAIK. You can use the /header refinement and then the
header will be the first value.
scr: load/header %test.r
hdr: scr/1
You could also use the /all refinement and then make the header object
scr: load/allest.r
hdr: make object! scr/rebol
Maybe someone else has a better way.