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Rebol Style - Caution: Religious views expressed! ;-)

 [1/1] from: al::bri::xtra::co::nz at: 9-Oct-2000 21:40

Michael Jelinek wrote:
> Andrew Martin wrote: > I prefer the better human readable style like this example:
<<quoted lines omitted: 7>>
> > ] > Why is this a better "human readable" format? I must not be human.
:-) Here's why: 1 ================== [ 2 ========================= 3 ================== [ 4 ==================================== 5 ] 6 ================================== 7 ] 8 ========================== Note that the start of each line shows the level of nesting. The blank line with only "]" signals the end of a nest level, helps prepare you to step back out of the nest, and provides whitespace breaks in larger scripts. The end of a line with "[" on it signals the start of a nest. Important words are in Title case, to indicate that they are important here, usually because they're defined here. Unimportant words are in all lower base, as they're not that important and aren't defined here. Title case enables the eye to pick out the important stuff easily. That's all. Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169

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