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Pointer, values in Forms? Was: Editing fields of a record in forms? - second problem

 [1/4] from: yvan_iigs:gmx at: 10-Sep-2007 11:45

Hello, I like to thank the person who told me to read the sources and to use do-events. Unfortunately I don't remember who it was. Now the function works but it doest something that it shouldn,t. Here again the basic idea. What it should do is the following: 1. I have a block a with a string in it 2. Edit-ActorRole should open a form with the value of the string in block a and let the user edit it if he wants. 3. The edited string should be returned to block b, letting block a untouched Part 3 does not work for example: a: ["dada"] b: Edit-ActorRole a but the value of a is also changed and this should not be,
>> b
== [["Yvan"]] ; this is good, the value Ichanged it in the form
>> a
== ["Yvan"] ; this should not be
here the code. REBOL [] Edit-ActorRole: func [ actor-block [block!] /local l-act-role-block l-actor-block ] [ l-act-role-block: copy [] ; I use the copy function to be sure not to use a pointer. l-actor-block: copy actor-block if (l-actor-block/1 = none) [append l-actor-block ""] Formular: view/new layout [ text "Actor 1:" Fact1: field l-actor-block/1 button #"^M""OK" [ l-actor-block: copy [] if not (Fact1/text = "") [append l-actor-block Fact1/text] append/only l-act-role-block l-actor-block unview ] ] do-events; return l-act-role-block ] Mit freundlichen Gr=FCssen Yvan =

 [2/4] from: carl:cybercraft at: 10-Sep-2007 21:55

I've not the time to figure out what your function is doing, but would... copy/deep [] fix your problem? (Without /deep the contents of the block won't be created anew.) -- Carl Read. On Monday, 10-September-2007 at 11:45:29 Yvan wrote,

 [3/4] from: sqlab:gmx at: 10-Sep-2007 12:02

Hi Yvan, try l-actor-block: copy/deep actor-block Yvan wrote:

 [4/4] from: yvan_iigs:gmx at: 18-Sep-2007 16:37

Hello sqlab, hm, yes it works that way. I just don't really understand why. I think I have to check the source of the copy function. Thanks On 10.09.2007, you wrote: