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[REBOL] Re: Profiling Rebol API to DyBASE

From: greggirwin:mindspring at: 20-Dec-2003 10:02

Hi Konstantin, Thanks for your continued efforts! Thanks to your code, and Romano's detective work, it seems a bug in CLEAR with hash! values may have been found, which is great! Also, some of us have talked about things a bit, and an expert opinion is that REBOL's prototype object approach just isn't a great fit for DyBase, so things may never be as good as we would like in that regard. Having it work, though, and be much faster now, will still be very useful. KK> There is also yet another problem with Rebol - objects seems to be stored KK> very inefficiently. It's also creating them that has a lot of overhead. Someone noted during a discussion that if you're creating 100,000 objects with 10 functions each, that you're creating, and binding, 1,000,000 functions. Two ideas that have been mentioned are 1) use block! values instead of objects to interface with DyBase 2) Break the functions out of the objects into a supporting context, or as free functions, so you don't have to create and bind them with every object. Either one may require work, but could be worth investigating if someone really needs the potential improvement. I'm looking forward to trying the latest release. Thanks again! -- Gregg