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[REBOL] Re: text-list/picked: extra internal behavior?

From: greggirwin:mindspring at: 26-Nov-2001 17:24

Hi Brett, DOH! Thanks for the whack on the side of the head! I was looking right at the problem and trying to solve it in the wrong way. I'm working on copy'd strings (so I can restore them to their initial values when certain events occur) so I was referencing the wrong thing when I used 'alter. This is the solution: clear lst/picked foreach item items-to-highlight [ if find lst/lines item [ alter lst/picked first find lst/lines item ] ] or slightly condensed: foreach item items-to-highlight [ if found: find lst/lines item [alter lst/picked first found] ] << I'm not quite sure what you are up to here. >> I'm auto-highlighting items in text-lists, selecting defaults basically. In particular, our regional theatre group is holding auditions. Each hopeful, as they come up, will be matched against the parts defined for each show, by age (multiple fuzzy ranges allowed) and gender, and I highlight the parts they match. Then the judges can select, de-select, and add stars accordingly. Thanks again! --Gregg