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[REBOL] Girder - what could rebol be capable of?

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 23-Apr-2003 13:18

Hi, we can see "interfacing" rebol to external environments sometimes on our list. We have several options currently - tcp/ip, udp, files, system-port, shell and libraries, from which the last two are available to those wishing to pay for the features. Although we could see Carl posting system-port examples, so far we have not seen any reboller becoming master of its usage, so we know little about its possibilities. Today, looking for the player being capable of complete handling by command-line or API, I got to product Girder - seems to me kind of modern Arexx, although Windows only .... I wonder if rebol kernel could be extended later to be more system-wide friendly, e.g. being able to handle USB, etc. Anyone? -pekr-