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[REBOL] Re: possible data format ... Re: Re: dbms3.r 01

From: jason:cunliffe:verizon at: 15-Jan-2002 14:52

> >file, but first - I am duplicating XBase functionality here and 2) I can > >feel that is something which you probably would like to avoid to happen > >for "simple" Rebol dbms system :-)
fyi: here's another part of the puzzle to add. I found this Xbase Rebol/View program on François Jouen a développé un superbe explorateur de fichiers xbase compatible avec les formats dBase III, FoxPro 2.5, dbase IV et FoxPro 3. La version 1.3 authorise la visualisation du contenu des champs ainsi que de la structure de la base de données. L'utilisateur peut également rechercher une valeur parmi les informations stockées et exporter la table dans le format de données Rebol. ..for non francophones I think that says: François Jouen has devopelopped a supeb xbase file browser compatible with dbaseIII, FoxPro 2.5, , dbase IV et FoxPro 3. Version 1.3 allows you to see the contents of fields as well the structure of the database. The user can also seearch for a value within the stored information and export the table in a REBOL data format. ./Jason