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[REBOL] Re: Ready for REBOL/Core 2.6?

From: pwoodward:cncdsl at: 8-Mar-2002 13:52

> The issue, as I understand it, is that you can't add new functions and > variables to TIMER. It's set of words is fixed when it is created and
> be extended. You would have to create a new object, based on TIMER, in
> to add new words to it.
Yeah, I realized that - but it's not so different that the static inheritance found in other OO languages. Unless I was to use "timer: make example [newvar: 1000]" when I cloned the object, I can't add new variables or functions to it. What would be handy is if append and other block/series related functions could work against objects. Sure, having an "extend" macro that perhaps automated the appending of new variables and functions (or even the overriding and extension of extisting ones) would definitely be handy in that case. Currently the Rebol object doesn't loose much over other, existing, object models. If we think of our object declarations as "classes" and treat them as somewhat static blue-prints then they behave almost exactly as a "class" in another language. You can build a fairly complex heirarchy that way. Then, when you use them, think of using it like - "someobject: make myclass []" as though you are calling "new" against the class, and creating an instance of it. But - what "extend" would get us is the ability to dynamically alter existing objects from their blue prints, after they have been created. It'd be cool, but I'm not sure it'd be of much value. If you were finding yourself doing that a lot I suspect you may be better off just adding that function or variable to the prototype object. - Porter Woodward