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From: al:bri:xtra at: 1-Oct-2000 15:24

Bob R wrote:
> I would prefer to see a specification of what is available now and also
make sure it clearly covers what is in /core first. It should be possible using Rebol's reflection of words to be able to automatically scan all of system/words, and write a small HTML page for each word, that contains basically what 'help and 'source provide. Then, working from the inputs to each word/function link to a few pages describing each data-type then back (using reverse links) to other words that work with that data type. For example: clear.html - describes the 'clear function Inside %clear.html would be something like: USAGE: CLEAR series DESCRIPTION: Removes all values from the current index to the tail. Returns at tail. CLEAR is an action value. ARGUMENTS: series -- (Type: series port) Source: clear: native [ {Removes all values from the current index to the tail. Returns at tail.} series [series! port!] ] Clicking on the hyperlink on "series!" takes you to page: series!.html - which describes what a series is like:
>> help series!
No information on series! (word has no value) But a bit more informative. There would also be a series of back links on the _same_ html page that refer to all the words that take a series, like: clear head tail Clicking on any of these words takes you to the HTML page for that word. For example, clicking on "tail" takes you to: tail.html - which describes what 'tail does: USAGE: TAIL series DESCRIPTION: Returns the series at the position after the last value. TAIL is an action value. ARGUMENTS: series -- (Type: series port) Source: tail: native [ {Returns the series at the position after the last value.} series [series! port!] ] This way, a truly informative document of any Rebol version and loaded piece of rebol script that has words defined in system/words can be documented in one rebol object/component, fully automatically and including any additions that have been installed into %user.r. It's also fully updateable at any time. Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169