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[REBOL] Re: Newsgroups

From: mario::cassani::icl::com at: 4-Jul-2001 9:21

Hi Paul,
> Can someone explain newsgroups and how to read the list from > the server. I tried the example in the core.pdf as such but > got errors: > > groups: read nntp:// >
Try this: 8<-----------8<-----------8<-----------8<-----------8<----------- ;News.r file REBOL [ Title: "Newsgroups downloading script" Author: "Mario Cassani" EMail: [Mario--Cassani--icl--com] Date: 09-04-2001 File: %News.r Purpose: "Download the Newsgroups" Category: '??? ] allgroups-file: %NewsgroupsRC.txt allgroups: load allgroups-file Newsgroupsdate: now/date Newsgroupsyear: Newsgroupsdate/year Newsgroupsmonth: Newsgroupsdate/month if Newsgroupsmonth < 10 [Newsgroupsmonth: join "0" Newsgroupsmonth] Newsgroupsday: Newsgroupsdate/day if Newsgroupsday < 10 [Newsgroupsday: join "0" Newsgroupsday] Newsgroupsdir: to-file join Newsgroupsyear ["/" Newsgroupsmonth "/" Newsgroupsday] daydir: func [givendate subdir][ datedir: to-file givendate if not exists? datedir [ make-dir/deep datedir ] if not none? subdir [ datedir: datedir: datedir/:subdir if not exists? datedir [ make-dir datedir ] ] ] daydir Newsgroupsdir "News" catch [ groupcount: 1 groupnumber: length? allgroups while [groupcount <= groupnumber] [ groupURL: allgroups/:groupcount/2 groupservername: allgroups/:groupcount/1 daydir Newsgroupsdir/News groupservername print join "Downloading from " groupservername groupnames: allgroups/:groupcount/3 groupnamesnumb: length? groupnames groupnamescount: 1 while [groupnamescount <= groupnamesnumb] [ TheGroup: groupnames/:groupnamescount newsgroup: open groupURL/:TheGroup length? newsgroup ;; TO-DO: Keep an index of the last read article from each server/newsgroup and ;; select a specific message in the group by index, using pick: ; message: pick newsgroup index ; newsgroup: skip newsgroup index print TheGroup until [ write/append join Newsgroupsdir/News/:groupservername/:TheGroup .txt first newsgroup newsgroup: next newsgroup tail? newsgroup ] groupnamescount: groupnamescount + 1 close newsgroup ] groupcount: groupcount + 1 ] ] 8<-----------8<-----------8<-----------8<-----------8<----------- ;NewsgroupsRC.txt file [ ["Charter" nntp:// [alt.ascii-art]] ["ICL" news:// []] ] 8<-----------8<-----------8<-----------8<-----------8<----------- Best regards Mario