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[REBOL] Re: Justifying text

From: greggirwin:mindspring at: 14-Dec-2002 12:51

Hi Carl, CR> I've had a quick (yeah, right;) go at it, but my approach is slightly CR> different. As I said, I thought of using font/space to do the CR> padding, as this would only require two faces per line, as apposed to CR> one per word. Anyway, below is (the slightly bugged) result I've CR> come up with.... Cool! Not sure how to work around the way /space works though. I'm thinking it maps to SetTextCharacterExtra (under Windows) while what we really want is something that maps to SetTextJustification that tells the drawing functions how much space to add to each *break* character when the text is rendered. Alternately, we could take a low tech approach if imperfect results for proportional fonts is acceptable; just add spaces to the text. :) -- Gregg