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[REBOL] Re: Generating words and global variable space

From: d4marcus:dtek:chalmers:se at: 23-Mar-2001 0:06

On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Gisle Dankel wrote:
> I'm writing a simple Prolog interpreter where the format of the rules are
Interesting. May I ask how you define the parse rules, by hand or by using some predefined BNF description? I wouldn't hope for the latter, imagining that as a relational language, Prolog doesn't have a large syntax.
> In deep search trees, I quickly run out of variables.
If it's just variables, perhaps you could try using strings instead. Store them in a dictionary with their values. Hmm, maybe you have already thought of this...
> There are ways to solve it, but it would make the algorithm slower.
Suppose it would. :-( Marcus ------------------------------------ If you find that life spits on you calm down and pretend it's raining