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[REBOL] Re: CORE 2.5.2 Bugs/Enhancements

From: lmecir:mbox:vol:cz at: 7-May-2002 11:26

Hi Frank, I second to this. It looks that you forgot to append first [a:] to the examples. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Frank Sievertsen" <[fsievert--uos--de]> To: <[feedback--rebol--com]> Cc: <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 8:42 AM Subject: [REBOL] CORE 2.5.2 Bugs/Enhancements Hi! I tested core 2.5.2 right now and like most of the changes you did, thank you! Here is a list of things i still found: --- New Evaluation --- Evalutation is still not very constistent. Maybe you could have a look at (The comments refer to Core 2.5.0, so ignore them) For example:
>> a: first ['a]
== 'a
>> a
== a I would expect == 'a , do you agree? --- Crashing: Foreach/Reduce/Do/next --- And there are still some crashes in REBOL which causes crashes, when REBOL runs bigger scripts for longer time. You can try do to find them. test2 ... test4 will crash REBOL. --- Bind/In --- Maybe you could allow bind to accept not only word - Values, but lit-word, set-word, too. This already works, but the definition of Bind does not allow it. --> use [a] [a: third :bind repend a/words [any-word!]] In should allow any-word!, too. --> use [a] [a: third :in repend a/word [any-word!]] Enhancement-Request: In should allow to get a word bound not only to objects, but to functions, too. Example: a: func [b] [b: 99] get in :a 'b --- Use/Repeat --- Maybe you will want use to copy/deep it's block argument before binding it (needed for recursive functions) --- FTP Protocol --- FTP-Protocol is broken, it opens a new connection for each access when using ip-addresses. Fix: use [a] [ a: second get in system/schemes/ftp/handler 'open a: next a/connections/all change/only a to-paren compose [form (first a)] ] --- throw-on-error --- Throw on error is not able to handle unset-Return-Value. Fix: throw-on-error: func [ [throw] blk [block!] ][ if error? set/any 'blk try blk [throw :blk] get/any 'blk ]