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[REBOL] [none idiom found?] The best shortcut word for "not none?"

From: greggirwin::mindspring::com at: 1-Sep-2006 12:56

If you use ANY and ALL, the result may be none. The mezzanine that converts a NONE result to a logic! value is FOUND?. I was going to suggest that we add an alternative, for cases like this, to improve the readability. found? all [a = b zero? a - b] That is, I've always read FOUND? as "was the value found?", as you would when using FIND. Now, whenever I think I've caught something that Carl missed, I try to think about it a bit before requesting a change, because it usually turns out that he's thought ahead of me and did the right thing; it just takes me a little time to see it sometimes. :) So, I was going to say a new word would be nice but, when I stopped to think about it a little more, I realized that all I need to do is read it in context. In the above example, it would mean "If it is found that all the following are true...", which couldn't be clearer (I tried to come up with better words, and couldn't). So, thanks Carl, and thanks to Ladislav for making me think about this. What else in REBOL have you found that makes you think, or read code, differently? -- Gregg P.S. Don't forget that if you put a block of keywords in the subject of emails on this ML, will index them automatically! -G