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[REBOL] Hightlighting lines in a text list

From: ammon:rcslv at: 6-Aug-2002 11:22

Hi, Yes you can do that, have a look at Chypre's code... <Chypre's Cod> REBOL [ title: "text-list style" author: [cyphre--seznam--cz] ] stylize/master [ text-list: text-list with [ fx: 100 gfade: fro: 0 rng: -1 drag-sel?: shift?: ctrl?: true last-shown-lines: -1 dbak: color: none ovr: copy [] colors: reduce [0.0.0 none none 115.140.173] edge: make object! [ color: 0.0.0 effect: none size: 1x1 ] words: [ data [new/text: pick new/texts: second args 1 next args] no-drag [new/drag-sel?: false args] no-shift [new/shift?: false args] no-ctrl [new/ctrl?: false args] fx-delay [new/fx: first next args next args] ] text-pane: func [face id][ if pair? id [return 1 + second id / iter/size] iter/offset: iter/old-offset: id - 1 * iter/size * 0x1 if iter/offset/y + iter/size/y > size/y [return none] cnt: id: id + sn if id <= length? head lines [ iter/text: form first lines: at head lines id iter ] ] update: has [item value] [ lines: data either all [item: find data picked/1 lc < (length? head lines)] [ sld/data: min 1 (index? item) / (max 1 lc) sn: to-integer sld/data * ((1 + length? head lines) - lc) ] [ sld/data: 0 sn: 0 ] sld/redrag lc / max 1 length? head lines last-shown-lines: length? data self ] init: [ if not color [color: 255.255.255] if not colors/2 [colors/1: font/color] if all [not flag-face? self as-is string? text] [trim/lines text] if none? text [text: copy ""] change font/colors font/color if :action [feel: svvf/hot saved-area: true] data: size if any [none? size size/x < 0 size/y < 0] [ state: max 1x1 pane-size * 9 / 10 - offset - para/margin if none? size [size: state] if size/x < 0 [size/x: state/x] if size/y < 0 [size/y: state/y] size: size-text self all [ para para/origin size: size + para/origin para/margin size: size + para/margin ] ] if all [data data/y < 0] [size/x: data/x] data: none sz: size sn: 0 slf: :self act: :action if none? data [data: texts] if none? data [data: copy []] lines: data dbak: copy data picked: copy [] iter: make-face/size 'txt sz * 1x0 + -16x20 iter/para: make self/para [origin: 2x0] iter/font: make self/font [] lc: to-integer sz/y / iter/size/y: second size-text iter iter/feel: make iter/feel [ over: func [f a o][ if all [a f/state drag-sel?] [ ; print [rng (1 + absolute (cnt - fro))] ; if rng > (1 + absolute (cnt - fro)) [alter picked last picked] alter picked reduce [f/text cnt] ; rng: 1 + absolute (cnt - fro) ] if find ovr cnt [remove/part find ovr cnt 2] insert tail ovr reduce [cnt pick reduce [255 max 0 min 250 250 - fx] a] f/rate: 20 show f ] redraw: func [f a i /local idx vl fnd] [ fnd: find picked reduce [f/text cnt] f/font/color: either fnd [white][slf/colors/1] f/color: either fnd [slf/colors/4][slf/colors/2] f/size/x: f/parent-face/size/x if all [not fnd idx: find ovr cnt (vl: select ovr cnt) < 254][ f/color: slf/gfade/:vl poke ovr (index? idx) + 1 vl + 10 if vl > 235 [remove/part find ovr cnt 2] ] if all [not fnd (select ovr cnt) = 255][ f/color: 60 + any [slf/colors/4 55.80.113] ] if (length? ovr) = 0 [f/rate: none] ] engage: func [f a e] [ if a = 'down [ remove/part find ovr cnt 2 if cnt > length? head lines [exit] f/state: cnt if any [not e/control not ctrl?] [clear picked] either all [shift? e/shift fro][ for n min fro cnt max fro cnt 1 [ alter picked reduce [form slf/data/:n fro] fro: fro + 1 ] ][alter picked reduce [f/text cnt]] do :act slf f/text fro: cnt ] if a = 'up [f/state: none] show pane ] ] pane: layout/size [ origin 0 space 0 sub-area: box slf/color with [edge: make edge [size: 1x1 effect: 'ibevel color: slf/color] pane: :text-pane] sld: slider 206.206.206 any [colors/3 ""] [ ovr: copy [] value: to-integer value * ((1 + length? head lines) - lc) if sn <> value [sn: value] show sub-area ] ] size sub-area/feel: make sub-area/feel [ redraw: func [f a i /local tmp cols] [ sld/colors/2: slf/colors/3 gfade: to-image make face compose/deep [size: 256x1 edge:none effect: [gradient 1x0 (60 + any [colors/4 55.80.113]) (any [colors/2 255.255.255])]] f/size: -17x-2 + f/parent-face/size: f/parent-face/parent-face/size sld/offset: (f/size * 1x0) - 0x1 sld/size: (f/size * 0x1) + 16x2 if not-equal? lc tmp: to-integer f/size/y / iter/size/y: second size-text iter [ lc: tmp sld/redrag lc / max 1 length? head lines ] if any [not equal? dbak data last-shown-lines <> length? data][ dbak: copy data show update ] ] ] sld/redrag lc / max 1 length? head lines pane/offset: 0x0 ] ] slider: slider with [ ;== Default color values should be obtained from skin. color: 238.237.229 colors: [#[none] 196.213.255] ;== Use RATE field (it's part of the object, so might as well use it.) repeat: 0 oft: step: none edge: make edge [ color: white size: 1x1 effect: none ] scroll?: false ;== See comment about FEEL object binding in ARROW style. feel: make feel [ engage: func [f a e /local w doft][ switch a [ down [f/oft: e/offset] over [f/oft: e/offset] up [f/rate: none show f] time [ f/scroll?: true show f ] ] if any [a = 'down f/scroll?][ f/scroll?: false ;== Same as: f/rate: if positive? f/repeat [f/repeat] f/rate: pick reduce [f/repeat none] 0 < f/repeat w: pick [1 2] f/axis = 'x doft: either (f/oft/:w + (f/pane/1/size/:w / 2)) > (f/pane/1/offset/:w + (f/pane/1/size/:w / 2))[any [f/step f/pane/1/size/:w]][negate any [f/step f/pane/1/size/:w]] ;== Reference it via SVVF to reduce lookup time: system/view/vid/vid-feel/drag-off f f/pane/1 either negative? doft [max f/oft - (f/pane/1/size / 2) f/pane/1/offset + doft][min f/oft - (f/pane/1/size / 2) f/pane/1/offset + doft] if f/oft/:w = f/pane/1/offset/:w [ f/rate: none ] show f ] ] ] words: [ ;== change REPEAT to RATE (see ARROW) repeat [new/repeat: first next args next args] step [new/step: first next args next args] ] dragger: make dragger [ ;== Color via skin (as previous) color: 115.140.173 edge: make edge [ color: 143.158.177 effect: none size: 1x1 ] feel: make feel [ redraw: func [f a o][ if a = 'show [ either f/parent-face/axis = 'y [ f/size/x: f/parent-face/size/x - 2 ][ f/size/y: f/parent-face/size/y - 2 ] ;== Complex static expression should be computed outside of REDRAW (see ARROW comments): f/effect: compose/deep [gradient (pick [0x1 1x0] f/parent-face/axis = 'x) 255.255.255 210.210.210 draw [pen 180.188.201 box 0x0 (f/size + 1) pen 108.120.132 box (f/size - 3) -1x-1] colorize (f/parent-face/colors/2)] ;== Is this the correct shading for horizontal slider? Don't you want gradient across the narrow ; portion of the slider? f/parent-face/effect: compose/deep [gradient 1x0 230.230.230 255.255.255 draw [pen 185.185.185 box 0x0 (f/parent-face/size) pen 225.225.225 box 1x1 (f/parent-face/size - 3)] (if f/parent-face/colors/1 [compose [colorize (f/parent-face/colors/1)]])] f/edge/effect: f/parent-face/edge/effect: compose/deep [colorize (f/parent-face/colors/1)] ] ] engage: func [f a e][ if find [over away] a [ if f/data [ ;== SVVF reference: system/view/vid/vid-feel/drag-off f/parent-face f f/offset + e/offset - f/data show f ] ] switch a [ down [f/data: e/offset] up [f/data: none] ] ] ] ] init: [ edge: make edge [] if color [colors/1: color] pane: reduce [make dragger [edge: make edge []]] axis: pick [y x] size/y >= size/x redrag 0.1 ] ] ] view layout [text-list compose [(sort first system/words)]] </Cyphre's code> HTH!! Ammon I don't know if you will be able to execute that or not, === Original Message === Hi everyone, Sent this message yesterday but it didnt seem to get through ?? Anyway .... Is it possible to highlight a line in a text list with a color other than the one assigned by the text list picked attribute? I want to in essence have a cursor that I can move up & down a text list but I want to distinguish it from a picked item Cheers Phil