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[REBOL] Re: HTTP-Post Error

From: mattymattkim:h:otmail at: 29-Oct-2002 10:28

The site uses a lot of flash, could this pose a problem? Here's the source code for the form: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Untitled</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/ssi/english/vehicles/saab/stylesheet.css" type="text/css"> <script src="/ssi/english/vehicles/js/saabLMP_pulldown.js" language="JavaScript"></script> <script language="javascript"> <!-- var LMPCookie = document.cookie; function getCookie(cookieName) { var index = LMPCookie.indexOf(cookieName +"="); if (index == -1) return null index = LMPCookie.indexOf("=", index) + 1; var endIndex = LMPCookie.indexOf(";", index); if (endIndex == -1) endIndex = LMPCookie.length; return unescape(LMPCookie.substring(index, endIndex)); } var cookieVal = getCookie("saab_lmp_rules"); if (cookieVal == 999) location.href /ssi/english/vehicles/saab/lmp/rules.html ; function makeLeadingZero(str) { if (str.length == 1) { str = "0" + str; } return str; } function setCreateDate() { var theDate = new Date(); var theYear = theDate.getFullYear().toString(); var theMonth = (theDate.getMonth() + 1).toString(); theMonth = makeLeadingZero(theMonth); var theDay = theDate.getDate().toString(); theDay = makeLeadingZero(theDay); document.forms[0].create_date.value = theYear + theMonth + theDay; } function populateIDs() { var queryString = top.queryString; if ((queryString.indexOf("surveyID=")) == -1) { //traditional querystring has not carried, fall back to get value from cookie var strCookie = document.cookie var strVUE = "VUE_LMP_ids=" queryString = strCookie.substring(strCookie.indexOf(strVUE) + strVUE.length, strCookie.indexOf(";")); } var surveyStr = "surveyID="; var surveyStart = queryString.indexOf(surveyStr) + surveyStr.length; if (queryString.indexOf(surveyStr) != -1) { //if survey ID submitted to form, find length of survey ID number var endIndex = queryString.indexOf("&", surveyStart); if (endIndex != -1) { //querystring continues after survey ID, therefore ends at & var surveyLen = endIndex - surveyStart; } else { //querystring ends with survey ID var surveyLen = queryString.length - surveyStart; } //write ID to hidden form field var surveyID = queryString.substr(surveyStart, surveyLen); //document.forms[0].component_code.value = surveyID; } var eventStr = "eventCode="; var eventStart = queryString.indexOf(eventStr) + eventStr.length; if (queryString.indexOf(eventStr) != -1) { var endIndex = queryString.indexOf("&", eventStart); if (endIndex != -1) { var eventLen = endIndex - eventStart; } else { var eventLen = queryString.length - eventStart; } //write ID to hidden form field var eventCode = queryString.substr(eventStart, eventLen); document.forms[0].event_code.value = eventCode; } //alert(surveyID +", "+ eventCode); } function prefillSelections() { writeNewList(document.forms[0].cv_namplt_desc_1, arrNameplate); writeNewList(document.forms[0].cv_namplt_desc_2, arrNameplate); writeNewList(document.forms[0].ft_namplt_desc_1, arrNameplate); writeNewList(document.forms[0].ft_namplt_desc_2, arrNameplate); return true; } var missingRequiredFieldError = "Please complete the {FIELD_NAME} field."; var emailAddressError = "You have entered an incorrect or invalid email address."; var postalCodeError = "You have entered an incorrect or invalid postal code."; var numericError = "You have entered an incorrect or invalid {FIELD_NAME}."; var leaseEndDateError = "You have entered an invalid date for {FIELD_NAME}."; var languageSelectError = "You must choose a language."; var replaceFieldName = /{FIELD_NAME}/gi function validateForm(theForm) { valid = true; stripSpecialCharactersFromField(theForm.first_name_and_initial); stripSpecialCharactersFromField(theForm.last_name); stripSpecialCharactersFromField(theForm.address_line_1); stripSpecialCharactersFromField(theForm.address_line_2); stripSpecialCharactersFromField(theForm.city_name); stripPunctuationFromField(theForm.first_name_and_initial); stripPunctuationFromField(theForm.last_name); stripPunctuationFromField(theForm.address_line_1); stripPunctuationFromField(theForm.address_line_2); stripPunctuationFromField(theForm.city_name); if (valid && (theForm.first_name_and_initial.value == "")) { valid = false; theForm.first_name_and_initial.focus(); var errMsg = missingRequiredFieldError.replace(replaceFieldName, First Name ); alert(errMsg); } if (valid && (theForm.last_name.value == "")) { valid = false; theForm.last_name.focus(); var errMsg = missingRequiredFieldError.replace(replaceFieldName, Last Name ); alert(errMsg); } if (valid && (theForm.address_line_1.value == "")) { valid = false; theForm.address_line_1.focus(); var errMsg = missingRequiredFieldError.replace(replaceFieldName, Address ); alert(errMsg); } if (valid && (theForm.city_name.value == "")) { valid = false; theForm.city_name.focus(); var errMsg = missingRequiredFieldError.replace(replaceFieldName, City ); alert(errMsg); } if (valid && (theForm.candn_provnc_or_trtry_cd.selectedIndex == "")) { valid = false; theForm.candn_provnc_or_trtry_cd.focus(); var errMsg = missingRequiredFieldError.replace(replaceFieldName, Province ); alert(errMsg); } var pcode = theForm.candn_forwrd_sortn_code.value + theForm.candn_local_dstrbn_unit_cd.value; if (valid && pcode != "") { valid = valid && validatePostalCode(pcode); if (!valid) { theForm.candn_forwrd_sortn_code.focus(); alert(postalCodeError); } } if (valid && ((theForm.hom_ph_area_code.value == "") || (theForm.hom_ph_phone_nbr.value == ""))) { valid = false; theForm.hom_ph_area_code.focus(); var errMsg = missingRequiredFieldError.replace(replaceFieldName, Home Phone Number ); alert(errMsg); } stripPunctuationFromField(theForm.hom_ph_area_code); stripPunctuationFromField(theForm.hom_ph_phone_nbr); if (valid && ((theForm.hom_ph_area_code.value != "") || (theForm.hom_ph_phone_nbr.value != ""))) { if ((theForm.hom_ph_area_code.value.length == 3) && (theForm.hom_ph_phone_nbr.value.length == 7)) { valid = valid && validateNumericValue(theForm.hom_ph_area_code, "Home phone area code", true); valid = valid && validateNumericValue(theForm.hom_ph_phone_nbr, "Home phone number", true); }else { valid = false; theForm.hom_ph_area_code.focus(); var errMsg = numericError.replace(replaceFieldName, "home phone number"); alert(errMsg); } } if (valid && ((theForm.bus_ph_area_code.value == "") || (theForm.bus_ph_phone_nbr.value == ""))) { valid = false; theForm.bus_ph_area_code.focus(); var errMsg = missingRequiredFieldError.replace(replaceFieldName, business phone number ); alert(errMsg); } stripPunctuationFromField(theForm.bus_ph_area_code); stripPunctuationFromField(theForm.bus_ph_phone_nbr); if (valid && ((theForm.bus_ph_area_code.value != "") || (theForm.bus_ph_phone_nbr.value != ""))) { if ((theForm.bus_ph_area_code.value.length == 3) && (theForm.bus_ph_phone_nbr.value.length == 7)) { valid = valid && validateNumericValue(theForm.bus_ph_area_code, "Business phone area code", true); valid = valid && validateNumericValue(theForm.bus_ph_phone_nbr, "Business phone number", true); }else { valid = false; theForm.bus_ph_area_code.focus(); var errMsg = numericError.replace(replaceFieldName, "business phone number"); alert(errMsg); } } /* if (valid && ((theForm.purchs_int_rng_cd[0].checked == false) && (theForm.purchs_int_rng_cd[1].checked == false) && (theForm.purchs_int_rng_cd[2].checked == false) && (theForm.purchs_int_rng_cd[3].checked == false) && (theForm.purchs_int_rng_cd[4].checked == false) && (theForm.purchs_int_rng_cd[5].checked == false))) { valid = false; theForm.purchs_int_rng_cd[0].focus(); var errMsg = "Please tell us when you expect to obtain your next vehicle."; alert(errMsg); } if (valid && ((theForm.acqstn_methd_cd[0].checked == false) && (theForm.acqstn_methd_cd[1].checked == false))) { valid = false; theForm.acqstn_methd_cd[0].focus(); var errMsg = "Please tell us how you expect to obtain your next vehicle."; alert(errMsg); } */ //alert(document.forms[0].CURRENT_VEHICLE_MANUFACTURER_1.value); return valid; } function stripPunctuationFromField(fieldObject) { fieldObject.value = stripPunctuation(fieldObject.value); } function stripPunctuation(theValue) { var returnMe = ""; var validChars = "0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; for (i=0; i<theValue.length; i++) { var theChar = theValue.substring(i, i+1); if (validChars.indexOf(theChar.toUpperCase()) > -1) { returnMe += theChar; } } return returnMe; } function stripSpecialCharactersFromField(fieldObject) { fieldObject.value = stripSpecialCharacters(fieldObject.value); } function stripSpecialCharacters(theValue) { var returnMe = ""; var numSpecialChars = 8; var validChars = ["A", "C", "E", "I", "N", "O", "U", "Y"]; var special_a = ["À", "Á", "Â", "Ã", "Ä"]; var special_c = ["Ç"]; var special_e = ["È", "É", "Ê", "Ë"]; var special_i = ["Ì", "Í", "Î", "Ï"]; var special_n = ["Ñ"]; var special_o = ["Ò", "Ó", "Ô", "Õ", "Ö"]; var special_u = ["Ù", "Ú", "Û", "Ü"]; var special_y = ["Ý"]; var specialChars = [special_a, special_c, special_e, special_i, special_n, special_o, special_u, special_y]; for (x = 0; x < theValue.length; x++) { var theChar = theValue.substring(x, x+1); for (i = 0; i < numSpecialChars; i++) { for (j = 0; j < specialChars[i].length; j++) { if (theChar.toUpperCase() == specialChars[i][j]) { theChar = validChars[i] } } } returnMe += theChar } return returnMe; } /** * Checks that all chars in theValue are digits. */ function allCharsAreDigits(theValue) { for (var i=0; i<theValue.length; i++) { var theDigit = theValue.substring(i, (i+1)); if (!(parseInt(theDigit) > -1)) { return false; } } return true; } function validateNumericValue(fieldObject, fieldName, showErrorMsg) { var valid = allCharsAreDigits(fieldObject.value); if (!valid && showErrorMsg) { fieldObject.focus(); var errMsg = numericError.replace(replaceFieldName, fieldName); alert(errMsg); } return valid; } function validateEmailAddress(theValue) { var valid = true; var a = theValue.indexOf("@"); if ((a < 1) || (a == (theValue.length - 1))) { valid = false; }else { var emailName = theValue.substring(0, a); var emailDomain = theValue.substring(a+1); valid = valid && validateEmailName(emailName); valid = valid && validateEmailDomain(emailDomain); } return valid; } function validateEmailDomain(theDomain) { var dot = theDomain.indexOf("."); if ((dot < 1) || (dot == (theDomain.length -1))) { return false; } return validateEmailName(theDomain); } /** * Returns true if theAddress is a valid email name, else returns false. * The name is the bit before the @. */ function validateEmailName(theName) { if ((theName.length < 1) || (theName.length > 25)) { return false; } var encoded = escape(theName); if ((encoded.indexOf("%") < 0) && (encoded.indexOf("*") < 0) && (encoded.indexOf("+") < 0) && (encoded.indexOf("/") < 0) && (encoded.indexOf("@") < 0)) { return true; }else { return false; } } /** * Checks that the postal code is in a valid format. * Param is a form text object. */ function validatePostalCode(formObject) { var valid = true; var userPostalCode = formObject.value; // Strip spaces: var s = userPostalCode.indexOf(" "); while (s > -1) { userPostalCode = userPostalCode.substring(0, s) + userPostalCode.substring(s+1); s = userPostalCode.indexOf(" "); } formObject.value = userPostalCode.toUpperCase(); // Check the length of the postal code: if (userPostalCode.length != 6) { valid = false; }else { var letter1 = userPostalCode.substring(0,1).toUpperCase(); var letter2 = userPostalCode.substring(1,2).toUpperCase(); var letter3 = userPostalCode.substring(2,3).toUpperCase(); var letter4 = userPostalCode.substring(3,4).toUpperCase(); var letter5 = userPostalCode.substring(4,5).toUpperCase(); var letter6 = userPostalCode.substring(5,6).toUpperCase(); var validLetters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; var validDigits = "0123456789"; // Check that the chars are valid values: if ((validLetters.indexOf(letter1) > -1) && (validDigits.indexOf(letter2) > -1) && (validLetters.indexOf(letter3) > -1) && (validDigits.indexOf(letter4) > -1) && (validLetters.indexOf(letter5) > -1) && (validDigits.indexOf(letter6) > -1)) { // OK valid = valid && true; }else { valid = false; } } return valid; } function validateLeaseEndDate(theForm, whichLease) { var valid = true; var leaseDate = ""; if ((eval('theForm.CURRENT_VEHICLE_LEASE_END_DATE_' + whichLease + '_YYYY.value != ""')) || (eval('theForm.CURRENT_VEHICLE_LEASE_END_DATE_' + whichLease + '_MM.value != ""')) || (eval('theForm.CURRENT_VEHICLE_LEASE_END_DATE_' + whichLease + '_DD.value != ""'))) { valid = valid && validateDate(eval('theForm.CURRENT_VEHICLE_LEASE_END_DATE_' + whichLease + '_DD'), eval("theForm.CURRENT_VEHICLE_LEASE_END_DATE_" + whichLease + _MM ), eval("theForm.CURRENT_VEHICLE_LEASE_END_DATE_" + whichLease + _YYYY )); if (valid) { leaseDate = "" + eval("theForm.CURRENT_VEHICLE_LEASE_END_DATE_" + whichLease + "_YYYY.value") + eval("theForm.CURRENT_VEHICLE_LEASE_END_DATE_" + whichLease + "_MM.value") + eval("theForm.CURRENT_VEHICLE_LEASE_END_DATE_" + whichLease + "_DD.value"); } } eval('theForm.CURRENT_VEHICLE_LEASE_END_DATE_' + whichLease + '.value = leaseDate'); return valid; } /** * Checks the three supplied form objects to see if they are valid numbers. * Adds a '0' to the beginning of single-digit day and month fields. * Puts the altered values into the form objects. */ function validateDate(dayFormObject, monthFormObject, yearFormObject) { var day = dayFormObject.value; var month = monthFormObject.value; var year = yearFormObject.value; if ((day.length > 2) || (month.length > 2) || (year.length != 4)) { return false; } if ((navigator.appVersion.substring(0,3) >= "3.0" && navigator.appName == "Netscape") || (navigator.appVersion.substring(0,3) >= "4.0" && navigator.appName.substring(0,9) == "Microsoft")) { i