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[REBOL] Re: newbie q : value & label in text-lists

From: carl:cybercraft at: 1-Apr-2004 8:40

On 01-Apr-04, [sags--apollo--lv] wrote:
> Thanks for answers! > The next q. is about faces event handling: > I would like to use a layout (form) without help of mouse. > There was some points in couple of documentation files (view > quide and handling events), but no so much. > So I am interested to find some more detailed description or > some examples about tabing (focusing) throught faces (not just > text fields) and more info about "detect" event using. > Could you please point me to a link that I missed.
It sounds like you missed this one... which covers event handling quite well. I don't know of any docs where focusing is explained, but the current focus can be found in system/view/focal-face. Here's a little example of the focus rotating automatically through three fields... rebol [] view layout [ backdrop rate 1 feel [ engage: func [face action event][ either all [ action = 'time system/view/focal-face object? f: system/view/focal-face/user-data ][ focus f ][ unfocus ] ] ] f1: field f2: field f3: field do [ f1/user-data: f2 f2/user-data: f3 f3/user-data: f1 ] ] To start the cycling, click on any field. The feel (ie, event-handling) is added to the layout's backdrop. To do the cycling it could've been added to any face since the cycling is dependant on a timer, not a click on a specific face, but by using the backdrop we can make it so a click on it will do an unfocus and so end the cycling. Hope this gets you started. Oh yes, and welcome to the mailing-list and REBOL. Both are a lot of fun as well as being very useful. ;-) -- Carl Read