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[REBOL] Re: Deeper documentation...

From: carl:cybercraft at: 20-Feb-2002 23:39

On 20-Feb-02, [riusa--email--it] wrote:
> Hi all, I'm deeply studying rebol, since I'm trying to persuade my > company to adopt Rebol to create some client applications > (internet/intranet based). The biggest problem I found is > documentation. Yes, Rebol has much documentation, but if I wish some > explanations about a particular argument the situation is > problematic. For example: View dialect is poor of documentation > about some functions: LIST, deeper usage of events (I discovered in > this mailing-list some tokens, functions, etc... I never found or I > only saw mentioned), RADIO BUTTONS (I wish information about their > usage in a real-world not only some basic examples), etc... > I created some forms with DHTML very simply, but I found a lot of > problems to create them in Rebol: why? because, beyond the source > code published in the rebol sites, there is not enought > documentation about some real-life jobs (which jobs? I don't want to > fill this email with examples, if someone wish, I can do it in > another one). > Summary: > 1) I wish more specialized documentation about the usage of some > tokens. 2) More documentation about real-applications (DB > connectivity, retrieve data and create lists dinamically (radio, > list, text-list, checkbox, etc...). > 3) etc...
We all wish for better documentation for View. However, you didn't say which docs you were aware of. Simple docs regarding VID and Draw are available via the View Desktop in the rebsite, plus there's an old but quite good (if incomplete) View doc archived on the RebolForces site at... Those are RT documents. Others here could tell you of third-party docs too, I'm sure. -- Carl Read