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[REBOL] Re: Antwort: Re: Antwort: Switch! (LONG)

From: brett:codeconscious at: 22-Nov-2000 0:06

> > That means I just have to parse the <title> tag contents of all the
> > in a given directory and pass it as "some-pagerefs" items ? > Hmm. Well if you did you would certainly get a page generated but the
> would not be valid. I didn't actually cater for the titles and the > corresponding files - sorry. I'll have a quick look and probably post > something in a little while that does.
Well, I had a look. I decided to make a few changes. (1) I'm going to change the structure of the data in the blocks that gets sent to write-my-page function. (2) In order to cope with this both generate-my-page will have to be changed and index-some-data will have to be changed. generate-my-page has two lines changed - the ones that refer to "pageref" index-some-data has two new words added to it "indexing-value" and indexing-function . Compare the code with the original to see how the changes. I decided to allow the index-some-data function to accept a function as an argument. This mean that I give it a new refniement that takes a custom function as an argument. This custom function will determine how index-some-data does its indexing. It sounds complicated but it isn't too bad. Just understand that a function is also a value in Rebol. Why did I do this? Because the data we pass to it will have a new structure. I quite liked the functionality of the previous version of index-some-data so I decided to handle both these cases. So now index-some-data is a little more useful - it is not limited to indexing by the first character. I can define a function that indexes by something else. For example, now I can do this ; same result as before (first is my default indexing function)
>> index-some-data [9-jun-2000 10-jun-2000 13-feb-2001 27-feb-2003]
== [2000 [9-Jun-2000 10-Jun-2000] 2001 [13-Feb-2001] 2003 [27-Feb-2003]] ; now I define a function that returns a day given a date - and pass this function as an argument
>> index-some-data/by [9-jun-2000 10-jun-2000 13-feb-2001 27-feb-2003]
(func[x][x/day]) == [9 [9-Jun-2000] 10 [10-Jun-2000] 13 [13-Feb-2001] 27 [27-Feb-2003]] ; now I define a function that returns a month given a date - and pass this function as an argument
>> index-some-data/by [9-jun-2000 10-jun-2000 13-feb-2001 27-feb-2003]
(func[x][x/month]) == [6 [9-Jun-2000 10-Jun-2000] 2 [13-Feb-2001 27-Feb-2003]] For your problem I'll create one that returns the first character of the title. It reaches into the item block and gets it. Ok here's the wash up. REBOL [ Author: "Brett Handley" Title: "Learning the value of functions :)" Note: {This script has been developed for illustrative purposes only. I leave it to you to determine the fitness of this script to any specific use you have.} ] ; A function that generates a single html page as a string. generate-my-page: function [ page-reference some-pagerefs [block!] ] [html-page] [ html-page: copy {} append html-page reduce [<h1> "This is page " page-reference </h1>] foreach pageref some-pagerefs [ append html-page <p> append html-page build-tag reduce ['a 'href pageref/2] append html-page pageref/1 append html-page [</a> </p>] ] RETURN html-page ] ; A function that writes an single html page. write-my-page: function [ page-reference some-pagerefs [block!] ] [page-string] [ page-string: generate-my-page page-reference some-pagerefs insert head page-string "<HTML><BODY>" insert tail page-string "<p><b>Generated by Rebol</b></p></BODY></HTML>" write (join %test-page- [page-reference %.html]) page-string ] index-some-data: function [ data [series!] /by indexing-function [function!] "A function that returns the indexing data given a data item" ] [ index-block data-block result-block indexed-item index-number indexing-value ] [ ; Set the default indexing function to the "first" function if not by [ ; Set the value of the word "indexing-function" to be that ; of the word "first". indexing-function: :first ] ; Create the blocks index-block: copy [] data-block: copy [] ; Index all the items in the data. foreach item data [ ; Apply the indexing function to the item to get the value to index by. indexing-value: indexing-function item either indexed-item: find index-block indexing-value [ ; Yippe - there is an entry for this - just add it to the list index-number: index? indexed-item insert/only tail (pick data-block index-number) item ] [ ; Not-found we'll have to add it and a new list. insert tail index-block indexing-value insert/only tail data-block reduce [item] ;item inside a new block ] ] ; Now reformat to make a nice result. ; We just merge the two blocks in order. result-block: make block! (multiply 2 length? index-block) for index-number 1 length? index-block 1 [ append result-block (pick index-block index-number) append/only result-block (pick data-block index-number) ] ; Drumroll... RETURN result-block ] ; Main script sample-data: [ ["Episode1" %eps1.html ] ["Empire Strikes Back" %empire.html] ["True Lies" %truelies.html] ["Terminator 2" %termy2.html] ["Priscilla" %queen.html] ] ; Define a custom function to pick just the first character of the title. Call the ; index-some-data function using the custom function as a parameter. indexed-data: index-some-data/by sample-data (func[item][first item/1]) ; Generate and write all the pages. foreach [char list] indexed-data [ write-my-page char list ]